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Annual Status Report Of Ward (Ada County) Form. This is a Idaho form and can be use in 4th Judicial District Local District Court.
Tags: Annual Status Report Of Ward (Ada County), 127, Idaho Local District Court, 4th Judicial District
INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING ANNUAL STATUS REPORTS 1. Your Annual Report of Status of Ward as a guardian is due each year on the anniversary date of your appointment. This report is required by Idaho Code Section 15-5-419. 2. Your report should be as complete and accurate as possible. Include a comprehensive description of your ward's status. Failure to make a correct and timely report would be sufficient grounds for your removal as guardian. Your report should be filed with the Clerk of the Court (see address below) and a copy sent to any other parties who are specified in your order. 3. Please read over your report carefully and make sure you complete all questions. If possible, please type your report, otherwise PLEASE USE BLACK INK. 4. For additional information, consult your attorney and check the Idaho Code for the Guardians of Persons and Guardians of Incapacitated Persons at I.C. Sec. 15-5-201 et seq. 5. If you would like a conformed copy of your report for your records, please send a copy along with the original report and a self addressed stamped envelope. 6. IMMEDIATELY notify the court in writing if you relocate and change address and/or phone number so that the court has the most current contact information for you and your ward. 7. Please make copies of this blank form for completion and submission to the court on a yearly basis. 8. There is a $25.00 court-filing fee required to submit the Annual Status Report of Ward. Make check or money orders payable to the Clerk of the Court and mail with completed report to the Clerk of the Court, Ada County Courthouse, 200 W. Front Street, Boise, ID 83702. Form 127 -- Annual Report of Status of Ward (I.C. 15-5-419) American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA MAGISTRATE DIVISION ) IN THE MATTER OF: ) CASE No. ________________________ ) M5 Filing Fee: $25.00 ) ) ) ANNUAL STATUS REPORT ) OF WARD ________________________________ ) A Minor An Incapacitated Person. The undersigned, , as guardian of the above-named person, hereby renders the following report of the status of the ward, as required by I.C. 15-5-419: 1. My address is: 2. 3. Present age of the ward: . Current address of the ward (including name of facility, if applicable): 4. The Ward's residence is: own home nursing home foster of boarding home guardian's home hospital or medical facility relative's home: (relationship) other . 5. Other persons living in the same household with the named ward: Form 127 -- Annual Report of Status of Ward (I.C. 15-5-419) American LegalNet, Inc. 6. The ward has been in the present residence since If moved within the past year, state reasons for the change: . 7. Provide a description of the ward's condition (please give specifics): 8. During the past year, the ward's physical health has: remained about the same. improved. Describe: deteriorated. Describe: 9. During the past year, the ward's mental health has: remained about the same. improved. Describe: deteriorated. Describe: 10. Describe any significant actions taken by the guardian during last year: 11. Describe any significant problems relating to this guardianship: 12. Describe educational activities of the ward, if applicable: 13. The ward is or is not under regular physician's care. Physician's name: Telephone Number: Form 127 -- Annual Report of Status of Ward (I.C. 15-5-419) American LegalNet, Inc. 14. During the past year the ward has been treated or evaluated by the following: Physician. Name: Psychiatrist. Name: Social or case worker. Name: There ( is) or ( is not) a current plan for the ward's care, training, or treatment. I ( do) or ( do not) have possession or control of the ward's assets. If yes, my financial accounting is filed herewith. Date of last Report of Status of Ward filed with the Court. . 15. 16. 17. 18. Name I have mailed copies of this report to the following persons: Address Relationship To Ward DATED: Signature: Printed Guardian Name: Address: Telephone Number: Form 127 -- Annual Report of Status of Ward (I.C. 15-5-419) American LegalNet, Inc.