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Request For Additional Transcript Or Clerks Record Form. This is a Idaho form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Request For Additional Transcript Or Clerks Record, Idaho Statewide, District Court
(Respondent's Attorney's Name) Attorney for Respondent Post Office Address Phone Number IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE ________ JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR ________ COUNTY (IN THE (PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION) (INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION) OF THE STATE OF IDAHO) (Title of original action or proceeding together with the additional designation of parties as appellant and respondent) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. ____________ REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL (TRANSCRIPT) (RECORD) TO: THE ABOVE NAMED APPELLANT(S) (CROSS-APPELLANT(S)) AND THE PARTY'S ATTORNEY, AND THE (REPORTER)(CLERK) OF THE ABOVE ENTITLED (COURT) (ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Respondent (Cross-Respondent) in the above entitled proceeding hereby requests pursuant to Rule 19, I.A.R., the inclusion of the following material in the reporter's transcript or the (clerk's) (agency's) record in addition to that required to be included by the I.A.R. and the notice of appeal: 1. Reporter's transcript: e.g. (The entire reporter's standard transcript as defined in Rule 25(a),I.A.R.) (The entire reporter's standard transcript supplemented by the following:) (Voir dire examination of jury) (Closing arguments of counsel) (The following reporter's partial transcript:) (The testimony of witness "X") (Conferences on requested instructions) (Instructions verbally given by court) 2. Clerk's or Agency's Record: e.g. (Affidavit of "X") (Plaintiff's requested instructions) (Notice to take deposition of "Y") 3. I certify that a copy of this request was served upon the (reporter) (clerk) of the district court or administrative agency and upon all parties required to be served pursuant to Rule 20 (and upon the attorney general of Idaho pursuant to Section 67-1401(1), Idaho Code.). Dated this ________ day of __________, 20_. /s/ Attorney's Signature _________________________________________ (Name of Attorney or Firm for Respondent) Attorneys for the Respondent American LegalNet, Inc. (When certification is made by a party instead of the party's attorney the following affidavit must be executed.) State of Idaho County of _____________ ) ) ss. ) ____________________ being sworn, deposes and says: That the party is the (respondent) (cross-respondent) in the aboveentitled request and that all statements in this request are true and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and belief. ____________________________________ Signature of (Respondent) (Cross-Respondent) American LegalNet, Inc.