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INTERROGATORIES TO GARNISHEE PAGE 1 CAO Cv 1 0 - 13 07 /0 1 /201 7 Full Name of Party or Attorney Filing Document Mailing Address (Street or Post Office Box) City, State and Zip Code Telephone IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF , P laintiff , vs. , Defendant. Case No. INTERROGATORIES TO GARNISHEE You must answer the se Interrogatories within five ( 5 ) days from the date serv ed as required by I.C. 247 11 - 719. If you fail to respond the creditor can request a judgment against you for the amount owed by the Defendant. INSTRUCTIONS A. Y ou are requested to prov ide all information known by you or available to you . B. If you cannot answer any of the Interrogatories completely, provide whatever information you have . C. Once completed and signed make a copy for yourself, and send the original to the person at the address listed above. 1. At the time of the service of the garnishment, had you in your possession, or under your control, any property, money or effects of t he defendant? If so, state what property, how much, and of what value, and what money or effects . ANSWER: American LegalNet, Inc. INTERROGATORIES TO GARNISHEE PAGE 2 CAO Cv 1 0 - 13 07 /0 1 /201 7 2. At the time of the service of the garnishment, did you owe the defendant any money, or do you owe him any now? If so, state how much, on what account, and when did it become due? If not due, when will it become due? ANSWER: 3. Question: ANSWER: CERTIFICATION UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY I certify under penalty of perjury pursuant to the law of the State of Idaho that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: T yped/printed Signature American LegalNet, Inc.