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No address, email and telephone are given because I do not want my information on this petition. Full Name of Party Filing Document Mailing Address (Street or Post Office Box) City, State and Zip Code Telephone Email Address (if any) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MAGISTRATE DIVISION , Petitioner (Person Seeking Protection Order), Case No. SWORN PETITION FOR PROTECTION ORDER Select: Domestic Violence (I.C. � 39-6304) vs. , Respondent (Person You Want Restrained) Malicious harassment, stalking, telephone harassment (I.C. � 18-7907) THE LAW REQUIRES THAT THE RESPONDENT BE GIVEN A COPY OF THIS COMPLETED FORM AND ALL ATTACHMENTS. 1. Protected Person(s). I am seeking a protection order for: Myself. The following minor child/ren (first and last names): My relationship to child/ren is: Custodial parent Non-custodial parent Guardian The following family or household member (first and last names): SWORN PETITION FOR PROTECTION ORDER CAO DV 1-1 07/01/2016 Page 1 American LegalNet, Inc. The following adult who has or is dating Respondent (first and last names): 2. Relationships. Please check all that apply to the relationship between the Respondent (person you want restrained) and you or the person(s) for whom you are seeking protection. spouse former spouse, state and county where divorce was filed: living together previously lived together, we last lived together on (date) child in common intimate partner parent related by blood, adoption or marriage, Relationship: are dating, or previously dated and our last date was (date) If a dating relationship please describe: (complete for adult or minor): Length of time of the dating relationship Time since the relationship ended Other, Explain: 3. Residence. I live or am staying in County, State of The Respondent does not live with me. I live with Respondent at Our home is rented or owned by both of us by me by the Respondent. I have left the residence where I lived with Respondent. I want to return yes no. If yes, to live to get personal belongings other A business is run from the home. Type of business: County, Idaho. Respondent lives in . The business is run by me by Respondent by both of us. SWORN PETITION FOR PROTECTION ORDER CAO DV 1-1 07/01/2016 Page 2 American LegalNet, Inc. 4. Child/ren affected by the protection order. I am the natural/adoptive parent or legal guardian of the following child/ren: Name (First, Middle Initial, Last) Birth Date How Child is Related to: Sex Petitioner Respondent State(s) where child lived last 6 months During the last six (6) months the child/ren have lived with 5. Other court cases. List any other court cases relating to the minor child/ren who will be affected by this protection order (divorce, child protection, guardianship, adoption, protection order, etc.) I have applied for a protection order(s) before in the county of on (date) , against (name) The Respondent has applied for a protection order(s) before in the county of on (date) , against (name) The Respondent has been involved in crimes involving violence, child abuse, weapons, drugs or alcohol. (If checked, please describe what the charges were, when and where they were filed and convictions) I have been involved in crimes involving violence, child abuse, weapons, drugs or alcohol. (If checked, please describe what the charges were, when and where they were filed and convictions) SWORN PETITION FOR PROTECTION ORDER CAO DV 1-1 07/01/2016 Page 3 American LegalNet, Inc. 6. Information about domestic violence, malicious harassment, stalking, and/or telephone harassment. If you are filing for a protection order for: 1. Domestic Violence: Complete Section 6.a. only. 2. Malicious harassment, stalking, and/or telephone harassment: Complete Section 6.b. only. 3. Both: Complete both Sections 6.a. and 6.b. 6.a. Domestic violence means physical injury, sexual abuse or forced imprisonment or threat thereof of a family or household member, or of a minor child by a person with whom the minor child has had or is having a dating relationship, or of an adult by a person with whom the adult has had or is having a dating relationship. Describe the most recent acts or threats of domestic violence committed by the Respondent against you or the person(s) for whom you are seeking protection. When? (date and time) Where? (address or general location) Who was present? (minor children, friends, family, etc.) Describe the recent acts or threats of domestic violence? Do not write on the back of this page. Include a separate page if you need more room. SWORN PETITION FOR PROTECTION ORDER CAO DV 1-1 07/01/2016 Page 4 American LegalNet, Inc. Describe any injuries: Was a weapon involved? No Yes How? Is there anything else you want the judge to know about what happened? Describe past acts or threats of domestic violence including dates: Do not write on the back of this page. Include a separate page if you need more room. 6.b. Stalking means repeated acts of nonconsensual contact that alarms, annoys, or harasses another person causing the person emotional distress, fear of death, physical injury or fear of death or physical injury of a family or household member. Malicious harassment means to intimidate or harass another person to cause physical injury, damage, destroy or deface real or personal property or the threat thereof due to a person's race, color, religion, ancestry, or national origin. Telephone harassment is the use of telephone to annoy, terrify, threaten, intimidate, harass or offend by lewd or profane language, requests, suggestions or proposals, threats of physical harm or disturbing the peace by repeated calls. Describe the most recent acts or threats (within the last 90 days) of malicious harassment, stalking, and/or telephone harassment committed by the Respondent against you or the person(s) for whom you are seeking protection. When? (date and time) Where? (address or general location) SWORN PETITION FOR PROTECTION ORDER CAO DV 1-1 07/01/2016 Page 5 American LegalNet, Inc. Who was present? (minor children, friends, family, etc.) Describe the recent acts or threats within the last 90 days? Do not write on the back of this page. Include a separate page if you need more room. Describe any injuries: Was a weapon involved? No Yes How? Is there anything else you want the judge to know ab