Summons For Specific Performance And Expedited Trial Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Summons For Specific Performance Expedited Trial Form. This is a Idaho form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
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Tags: Summons For Specific Performance Expedited Trial, CAO TR 1-2, Idaho Statewide, District Court
SUMM ONS FOR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE AND PAGE 1 EXPEDITED TRIAL CAO TR 1 - 2 10/15 /201 7 Full Name of Party Filing Document Mailing Address (Street or Post Office Box) City, State and Zip Code Telephone Email Address (if any) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF , Plaintiff(s), vs. , Defendant(s). Case No. SUMMONS FOR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE and EXPEDITED TRIAL Notice You have been sued. The court may enter judgment against you without further notice unless you respond. Read the in formation below. .m. on , at the County courthouse, at (address) , (city) , Idaho to decide if you should be ordered to repair the property described in the Complaint which is served with this Summons. If the court grants the request for specific performance (orders you to repair), the court may also order you to pay the costs, includ ing attorney fees, of this proceeding. If you are considering talking to an attorney, you should do so quickly to protect your legal rights and allow adequate time for trial preparation. American LegalNet, Inc. SUMM ONS FOR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE AND PAGE 2 EXPEDITED TRIAL CAO TR 1 - 2 10/15 /201 7 This Summons and the Complaint shall be served upon the Defendant (s) not less than five (5) days prior to the date of hearing. Date: CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT (Mailing address, physical address [if different] and telephone number of the clerk) By: Typed/printed name Deputy Clerk American LegalNet, Inc.