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Order For Mediation Form. This is a Idaho form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
Tags: Order For Mediation, CAO SC 4-1, Idaho Statewide, District Court
Full Name of Party Filing Document Mailing Address (Street or Post Office Box) City, State and Zip Code Telephone Email Address (if any) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SMALL CLAIMS DEPARTMENT Case No. , Plaintiff(s), vs. ORDER FOR MEDIATION , Defendant(s). TO THE PARTIES IN SMALL CLAIMS ACTIONS: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that in all contested matters wherein the Plaintiff has filed a Complaint and the Defendant has filed a written Answer, no trial may occur before the Small Claims Court until the parties first submit themselves to mediation. Mediation offers the parties a final opportunity to maintain control over their dispute and to settle the dispute without the intervention of the Court. In mediation, trained, neutral third persons attempt to aid the parties in resolving their differences and settling the same without the necessity of a trial. If you reach a mediated settlement, that agreement will be reduced to writing by the mediator, signed by each of the parties and presented to the Court for approval and order. If the parties cannot resolve the matter, then trial in your case will be held on the same day, but at a later time, before the Small Claim's Judge. MEDIATION ORDER CAO SC 4-1 07/01/2016 PAGE 1 American LegalNet, Inc. You should bring any evidence which you wish to present to the Judge and provide any witnesses whom you wish to testify on your behalf. Please be aware that the mediator must keep confidential, all information received during the mediation process and cannot be called as a witness for either party. Further, the mediator cannot give the parties legal advice. Failure to appear at mediation will cause your case to be dismissed if you are the Plaintiff or a default judgment to be entered against you, if you are the Defendant. You will receive written notice from the Clerk of the Small Claims Court, setting the matter for mediation, and if mediation is unsuccessful, informing you of the time for trial on the same day. Date: Magistrate Judge MEDIATION ORDER CAO SC 4-1 07/01/2016 PAGE 2 American LegalNet, Inc.