Satisfaction Release Of Judgment
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Small Claims Satisfaction of Judgment Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Boone Local County.
Tags: Small Claims Satisfaction of Judgment, J-1038, Illinois Local County, Boone
CC - 1765 V2 STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL COURT COUNTY OF WINNEBAGO v s . Case No. Satisfaction R elea se of J udgment , the (strike two) JUDGMENT CREDITOR, ASSIGNEE OF RECORD, LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE having received full satisfaction and payment, releases the Judgment entered against on , for $ and costs. Dated: NOTICE If a Memorandum of Judg ment has been recorded in this case, APPROVED : a certified copy of this release shall be filed by the person receiving the release of the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in which judgment has been recorded. Attorney of Record ORDER Release or S atisfaction in Full of a judgment previously entered by the Court in the above entitled matter, the Court having jurisdiction in the above entitled matter: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that in accordance with 735 ILCS 5/12 - 183(h) Code of Civil Procedure that the judgment heretofore entered by the Court in the above entitled matter is hereby vacated and held for naught. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the above entitled matter be and the same is hereby dismissed. Date ENTER Name JUDGE Attorney for Address City, State Zip Phone For the protection of the owner, this release shall also be filed with the Recorder of Deeds, or the Registrar of Titles in whose office the lien was filed. FILE STAMP COUNTY OF BOONEEmail American LegalNet, Inc.