Real Estate Under Assessed Valuation Complaint
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Real Estate Under Assessed Valuation Complaint Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Cook Local County.
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Tags: Real Estate Under Assessed Valuation Complaint, BOR A-6, Illinois Local County, Cook
20___ REAL ESTATE UNDER ASSESSED VALUATION COMPLAINT THE BOARD OF REVIEW OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COMPLAINT NO. TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. PLEASE COMPLY WITH THE OFFICIAL RULES FOR UNDERVALUATION (UNDERASSESSMENT) COMPLAINTS. THREE COPIES MUST BE FILED. Name of Taxpayer-Complainant/Taxing Body Address of Taxpayer-Complainant/Taxing Body City Email: LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF REAL ESTATE IN COOK COUNTY FOR WHICH THE INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYER-COMPLAINANT PAYS REAL ESTATE TAXES FOR 20__: Address VOLUME NUMBER PERMANENT INDEX NUMBER(S) OWNERSHIP, LOCATION & IDENTIFICATION OF REAL ESTATE WHICH TAXPAYER-COMPLAINANT/TAXING BODY ALLEGES IS UNDER ASSESSED FOR THE YEAR 20___ Tel. No. Fax No. Received & Checked by City TOWNSHIP Name of Owner of Record as shown in Records of Cook County Recorder of Deeds Address of Owner of Record Recorder's Document Number Showing Said Ownership Name of Tax Assessee of Record for 20___ : Address of Tax Assessee of Record for 20___ : Name of Titleholder of Record for 20___ : Address of Titleholder of Record for 20___ : VOLUME NUMBER PERMANENT INDEX NUMBER(S) The undersigned Taxpayer-Complainant/Taxing Body complains that the above described real estate is UNDER ASSESSED by the Assessor of Cook County for the year 20___ for the following reason(s): Assessor's 20___ Assessment: Land Improvement(s) Total Taxpayer-Complainant's/Taxing Body's Estimate of Fair Cash Value of Land and Improvement(s) Combined as of January 1, 20__ Taxpayer-Complainant's/Taxing Body's Estimate of Correct Assessed Valuation of Land and Improvement(s) Combined as of January 1, 20___ ATTORNEY'S APPEARANCE I (We) hereby enter the appearance of the Taxpayer-Complainant/Taxing Body The undersigned states that he/she has read the above complaint, has personal knowledge of the contents thereof and the same is true in substance and in fact Type or Print Name of Taxpayer-Complainant Signature of Taxpayer-Complainant City State City TOWNSHIP State And my (our) appearance as Attorney(s) for Taxpayer-Complainant/Taxing Body Attorney Code: User ID Telephone attorney(s). Dated: Address