Vacancy Occupancy Affidavit Commercial Industrial Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
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Total Sq. Ft. of Commercial Area OccupiedTotal Sq. Ft. of CommercialArea VacantTotal Sq. Ft. of CommercialArea Total Number Occupied Total Number VacantTotal Number JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberTotal2.Photos of the vacant space are not included because: (list all attempts made to lease vacant space)Thisday of , 20Affiant (ADDRESS)(CITY)Notary Public or Board Deputy 4.No attempts were made to lease the vacant space because: 3.Attempts to lease the vacant space were made. Condos or Apartments (Please circle)STATE OF ILLINOIS Subscribed and sworn before me,Further a037ant sayeth not.Monthly Rent or Asking Rent(Please Circle)(Evidence of such attempt must be attached) American LegalNet, Inc. Complaint No:PIN: Township: