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Mortgage Foreclosure Case Management/ Status Order (Residential and Commercial) (04/08/14) CCCH N019 A IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY DIVISION ______________________________________________________ Plaintiff(s) v. ______________________________________________________ Defendant(s) Case No. _____________________________________ Calendar No. __________________________________ MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE CASE MANAGEMENT/STATUS ORDER (Residential and Commercial) This matter coming before the Court for a case management conference pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 218; counsel for Plaintiff present before the Court and _____________________________________ present on behalf of Defendant(s); and the Court being advised in the premises; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 4619 This matter is continued for further case management to ______/______/______ at ______ a.m./p.m. in Courtroom ________. By separate Order, the Defendant(s) ______________________________________________________________________ [Insert name(s) of Defendant(s)] are referred to the Access to Justice Program 4421 Motion for Mediation is granted and this case is referred to mediation. 4331 This case is stricken from the case management call, the Court having determined that no further case management conference is necessary. Defendant failing to comply with the Case Management/Status Order dated ______/______/______, Defendant(s) Motion for Mediation is denied and the case is stricken from the case management/status call. Plaintiff failing to comply with the Case Management/Status Order dated ______/______/______, this matter is stayed and Plaintiff is prevented from seeking entry of judgment of foreclosure until full compliance with this order. 8099 This case is stricken from the call, the case having been previously disposed of by a Final Order entered on ______/______/______. (Attach Final Order.) 8003 Dismissed with leave to reinstate, without costs, upon motion supported by Bankruptcy Court documentation filed within ninety (90) days of resolution of Defendant(s)' pending bankruptcy. 8016 Dismissed, pursuant to Section 2-1009, with leave to reinstate upon Motion supported by Affidavit, filed and presented within one (1) year of this dismissal, if Defendant(s) default on the repayment plan, or other settlement agreement. 8005 This case is dismissed for want of prosecution. Other: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ This case is assigned to the Mortgage Foreclosure Case Manager for Calendar ____________. Case Manager Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: (312) __________-____________________. Fax: (312) __________-____________________. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1. DEFENDANT(S) ______________________________________________ having appeared in open court and representing that ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; (a) 4234 Defendant(s) is/are granted leave to file Appearance Answer/Otherwise Plead on or before ____/____/____. (b) Defendant(s) shall meet with HUD-certified housing counseling agency (1-877-895-2444) or the Illinois Attorney General Office - Consumer Protection Division (1-866-544-7151). DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Page 1 of 2 Mortgage Foreclosure Case Management/ Status Order (Residential and Commercial) (04/08/14) CCCH N019 B (c) 4215 Defendant(s) shall submit the documents identified below on or before ______/______/______ to Plaintiff's counsel at the following address: Plaintiff Firm Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Responsible Attorney: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Work Telephone: (_____) ________-_________________ Ext. _______ Work Fax: (_____) ________-_________________ Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ The following documents shall be submitted by the Defendant(s): Application for a loan modification, including a hardship affidavit if necessary. Bank statements for the period covering _____/_____/_____ through and including _____/_____/_____. Income tax returns filed for the period covering _____/_____/_____ through and including _____/_____/_____. Pay stubs for the period covering _____/_____/_____ through and including _____/_____/_____. Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ . (d) (e) Defendant(s) shall report the completion of the checked items above in 1(a) through 1(c) to the Case Manager by _____/_____/_____. Defendant(s) represent(s) Defendant's current contact information is: Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone (1): (_____) ________-_________________ Home Telephone (2): (_____) ________-_________________ Home 2. PLAINTIFF'S Counsel having appeared in open Court and representing that: Plaintiff received Defendant(s)' application for a loan modification, the application was incomplete and additional documents are needed from the Defendant(s). Plaintiff received Defendant's application for a loan modification and the bank/servicer has not reviewed the application. Plaintiff received Defendant's application for a loan modification and the bank/servicer denied the request for a modification on ______/______/______. Plaintiff did not receive Defendant(s)' application for a loan modification. Plaintiff's counsel has insufficient knowledge of any application for a loan modification submitted by Defendant(s) to Plaintiff to confirm receipt or make any other representations. Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ . (a) Plaintiff shall: Report back to the Court the status of _________________________________________on or before _____/_____/_____. Review documents identified in 1(c) above on or before _____/_____/_____. Review documents previously submitted by Defendant(s) on ___