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Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois þ cookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 1 of 1Agreed Settlement Order þ (03/15/18) CCM N027 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISMUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT, FIRST MUNICIPAL DISTRICT AGREED SETTLEMENT ORDER Plaintiff(s)v. Defendant(s) Case No. þ This matter coming before the Court, the parties agree as follows (select one):A. Tenant222s Agreement to Leave the PremisesTenant(s) agree(s) to1. Move out of the premises and return the keys to the Plaintiff by the following date: þ ; and2. Pay a total of $ þ in monthly installments of $ þ beginningon þ , and continuing monthly thereafter until paid.3. Other Agreement: B. Tenant222s Agreement to Make Payments and Stay in the PremisesBoth parties agree that monthly rent is $ þ , due on the þ day of each month, and that the past due rent as of todayis $ þ .Tenant(s) agree(s) to make the following payments, in addition to all regularly scheduled monthly rent payments:1. $ þ þ on þ 2. $ þ þ on þ 3. $ þ þ on þ C. Other Agreement: Plaintiff222s Remedy if Tenant Fails to Perform this Agreement (select one)1. Plaintiff222s Complaint is hereby dismissed with leave to reinstate;a. If the Tenant(s) complete(s) all duties under this Agreement, this case remains dismissed.b. If the Tenant(s) do(es) not comply with this Agreement, the tenant(s) stipulate(s) and agree(s) to allow the Plaintiff to reinstate Plaintiff222scase upon Notice and Motion, and to entry of an Eviction Order instanter (no delay in the right to ask the sheriff to enforce), and thejudgment for the total amount owed under this Agreement; plus court costs.2. This matter is continued to þ þ at þ þ AM þ PM in room þ .a. If the Tenant(s) complete(s) all duties under this Agreement, this case will be dismissed.b. If the Tenant(s) do(es) not comply with this Agreement, the Tenant(s) agree(s) to the entry of an Eviction Order instanter (no delay in theright to ask Sheriff to enforce), and judgment for the total amount owed under this Agreement, plus court costs.Agreed to by: þ Plaintiff signature þ Defendant signature ENTERED: þ Dated: þ þ Judge: þ þ Judge222s No.: þ