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Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois þ cookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 1 of 200050006Complaint (Joint Action) Eviction - Rent/Damage Claims þ (03/15/18) CCM N020 A IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISMUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT, þ MUNICIPAL DISTRICT COMPLAINT Plaintiff(s)v. Defendant(s) Case No. þ Rent or Damage Claimed $ þ Return Date þ The Plaintiff(s) claim(s) as follows:1. The Plaintiff(s) is/are entitled to an eviction order of the following described premises in the City or Village of: 2. The Defendant(s) unlawfully withhold possession thereof from the Plaintiff(s) 3. There is due to Plaintiff(s) from the Defendant(s) for rent or for damages for withholding possession of saidpremises from þ to þ after allowing the Defendant(s) all just credits, deductions andset-offs, the sum of $ þ .The Plaintiff(s) claim(s) eviction order and $ þ as rent or damages.Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois þ cookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 2 of 2Complaint (Joint Action) Eviction - Rent/Damage Claims þ (03/15/18) CCM N020 B Attorney for Plaintiff(s)I þ , certify that I am the þ (Name) þ (Name of Attorney if applicable)plainti037 in the above entitled action. 036e allegations in this complaint are true. Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Under penalties as provided by law pursuant tostatements set forth herein are true and correct.I/We, þ , on oath state that I/we am/are the Plaintiff(s) in the above entitled action. The allegations in this complaint are true. Atty. No.: þ Atty Name: þ þ Atty. for: þ þ Address: þ þ City: þ þ State: þ Zip: þ Telephone: þ Primary Email: þ þ