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Intake And SCR 218 Case Management Order Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Cook Local County.
Tags: Intake And SCR 218 Case Management Order, CCM-N703, Illinois Local County, Cook
CCM N703 A-15M-3/03/05 ()IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS} SCR 218 Intake/OrderLine # v.No. INTAKE AND SCR 218 CASE MANAGEMENT ORDERThis matter having come on to be heard pursuant to notice to the parties that this matter is now assigned from Room 1501 Assignment Call to Room for Intake and Management Conference in accordance with Supreme Court Rule 218 as well as firm trial setting, the Court having considered the following specific matters orders as follows:a.m. 1) TRIAL DATE: This matter is set for trial at p.m. on , . All witnesses shall be available for trial that day unless otherwise ordered.a.m. 2) ADDITIONAL SETTING: This matter is also set on , at p.m.forhearingon. 3) The Plaintiff claims that MEDICAL CARE, TREATMENT,AND SERVICES RECEIVED are itemized as follows:PROVIDER$ PAID$ UNPAIDThese shall be admitted into evidence as to the paid portions pursuant to the rules governing the admission of paid bills. Unpaid amounts shall be admitted only after proper foundational testimony has been reviewed in this conference. 4) The Plaintiff is making a claim for FUTURE MEDICAL ANDFUTURE PAIN AND SUFFERING and will be calling as their opinion witness on these issues. Said opinions to be produced in writing within days or the claim is barred. 5) The Plaintiff claims LOST TIME AND/OR LOST WAGESin the amount of $ to this date, and pursuant to the Defendant's request for tax returns, accompanying schedules, and W-2 Forms, Plaintiff shall produce same for the year of the occurrence as well as the year prior and year subsequent thereto within days or the claim is barred. 6) The Plaintiff claims ADDITIONAL ITEMS OF DAMAGES,reviewed pursuant to this order and to be presented at trial, itemized as follows: PAGE 1 OF 2DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISAmerican LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.comORIGINAL -COURT FILESCR 218 Intake/OrderCCM N703 B-15M-3/03/05 ()PAGE 2 OF 2CASE NO. 7) The Plaintiff 's claim for PROPERTY DAMAGEtotals $ and [the paid bill(s) shall be admitted pursuant to the rules.] or [the property not having been repaired or replaced, the Plaintiff has days to advise Defendant of the expert witness Plaintiff intends to call along with their opinion as to the value of the loss, or same is barred.]. 8) The Plaintiff(s) and Defendant(s) shall issue SCR 213 INTERROGATORIES simultaneously within days and shall each answer same within days. The identified OPINION WITNESSES to be called at trial are:Plaintiff: Defendant: The ADDITIONAL IDENTIFIED WITNESSES to be called at trial are:Plaintiff: Defendant: 9) The following EVIDENCE DEPOSITIONS shall be completed within days: 10) The following RULING ON MOTIONS IN LIMINE shall apply at trial: no mention of liability insurance. no mention of traffic tickets issued. no lay witness medical testimony or opinions. 11) OTHER COURT ACTION: (Pleadings, Jury Instructions)Atty. No.: Name: ENTERED: Attorney for: Address: Dated: , City/State/Zip: Telephone: Judge's No.JudgeDOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISAmerican LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.comORIGINAL -COURT FILE