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Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois þ cookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 1 of 33380 - Filed Rule to Show Cause - Failure to Appear (Citation) þ (10/27/17) CCM 0136 A IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISMUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT/ DISTRICT RULE TO SHOW CAUSECase No. þ þ Plaintiffv. þ Defendant On þ the following Order was entered of record by Judge þ inCourtroom þ against the party named þ IT IS ORDERED that the party herein named shall appear personally in Room þ of the Courtlocated at þ , at þ þ AM þ þ PM, on þ , to show cause why he/she should not be held in civil contempt of court: þ for his/her failure to appear before this Court on þ to answer and respond to a Citation toDiscover Assets served upon him/her as provided by law. þ for his/her failure to obey an order of this Court entered þ , requiring him/her to makeinstallment payments of $ þ per þ , in satisfaction of this judgment. þ for his/her failure to obey the order of Court entered þ for return of property.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent then and there produce all books, papers, or records set forth in the Citation to Discover Assets.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Respondent be personally served a copy of this order.NOTICEFAILURE TO APPEAR AS ORDERED BY THE COURT MAY RESULT IN A FINDING OF CONTEMPT AND COURT ORDER FOR YOUR ARREST BY THE SHERIFF. American LegalNet, Inc. Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois þ cookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 2 of 33380 - FiledRule to Show Cause - Failure to Appear (Citation) þ (10/27/17) CCM 0136 B Atty. No.: þ Atty Name: þ þ Atty. for: þ þ Address: þ þ City: þ þ State: þ Zip: þ Telephone: þ Primary Email: þ þ Secondary Email: þ þ Tertiary Email: þ þ CERTIFICATE OF ATTORNEYI certify that I am the attorney of record in the above cause and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Order entered by the Court on the above date. þ Attorney þ Clerk of the Circuit CourtSEAL American LegalNet, Inc. Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois þ cookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 3 of 33380 - FiledRule to Show Cause - Failure to Appear (Citation) þ (10/27/17) CCM 0136 C 2151 - Served2251 - Not Served2351 - Mail Service1. þ SERVE:2. þ RETURN BY SHERIFF:3. þ RETURN BY INDIVIDUAL:STATE OF ILLINOISCOUNTY OF COOK SS: .A. þ þ by delivering same to said þ in personon þ .B. þ þ by mailing same to said þ mail, restricted delivery, return receipt requested, on þ . Subscribed and sworn to before me on: þ þ Notary PublicINSTRUCTIONS:1. þ List name and address of each person to be served.2. þ If served by Sheriff, return is to be made here. Each respondent must be served personally.3. þ American LegalNet, Inc.