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Small Claims Notice Of Motion Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Cook Local County.
Tags: Small Claims Notice Of Motion, CCM 0754, Illinois Local County, Cook
Claims Notice of Motion (Claims under $10,000) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT, __________ DISTRICT Print Form Clear Form (1/03/06) CCM 0754 ____________________________________________________ v. ____________________________________________________ SMALL CLAIMS NOTICE OF MOTION (IL Sup Ct. Rules 281-288) } No. _______________________________________ Amount Claimed: $ __________________________ Return Date: ______________________________ Trial Date: _________________________________ Time: _________________ Room: _____________ ____________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ To: Defendant (Check one.), _____________________________________________, states that a.m. on ___________________________________, _________, at ______________ p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, Plaintiff I shall appear before the Honorable ____________________________________________ or any Judge sitting in that Judge's stead, in the courtroom usually occupied by him/her, located at __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________, Illinois, and present __________________________________________________________________________________________________ a copy of which is attached. Name ____________________________________________ Atty. No. ________________ Pro Se 99500 Address __________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________ Attorney for _______________________________________ Telephone ________________________________________ PROOF OF SERVICE BY DELIVERY I, ____________________________________________, the attorney/non attorney* certify that on the ___________ day of (*Strike one.) ___________________________, _______, I served this notice by delivering a copy personally to each person to whom it is directed. PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL I, ___________________________________________, the attorney/non attorney* certify that I served this notice by mailing (*Strike one.) (address on envelope) a copy to __________________________________________ at _______________________________________________ and depositing the same in the U. S. Mail at ____________________________________________________________________ at _____________ Code 5/1-109 Cert. a.m. p.m. on the (place of mailing) ___________ day of ____________________________, ________, with proper postage prepaid. Date ______________________________, _________ ___________________________________________ Signature/Certification NOTE: If more than one person is served by delivery or mail, additional proof of service may be made by attaching an additional sheet to this Notice of Motion. *NOTICE TO PARTIES: Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule 287, except as provided in sections 2-619 and 2-1001 of the Illinois Code of Civil Proceedings, no motion shall be filed in small claims cases without prior leave of court.