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Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 1 of 2 Trial of Right of Property - Complaint þ (10/10/18) CCM 035 A en-USIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT, þ en-US MUNICIPAL DISTRICTen-USTRIAL OF RIGHT OF PROPERTY - COMPLAINT en-USPlaintiff(s)en-USv.en-USSheriff of Cook County en-USDefendant(s) Case No. þ en-US en-USThe Plaintiff(s) claim(s) as follows: 1. The Plaintiff þ en-US now, and ever since þ has þ been the owner þ en-US anden-USentitled to the possession of the following described property: 2. en-USSaid property is now in the possession of the Sheriff of Cook County, who has seized and nowen-USholds the same by virtue of a levy made by him under a writ of þ en-US issued out of this court on þ , upon judgment of this court for the sum of $ þ en-US and costs entered on þ in favor of en-US plaintiff(s) and against þ en-US defendant(s) en-US .Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 2 of 2 Trial of Right of Property - Complaint þ (10/10/18) CCM 035 B 3. Said property is of the value of $ þ en-US . 4. en-USPlaintiff(s) claim(s) delivery of the property. en-USAttorney for Plaintiff(s) I, þ en-US , on oath state that I am the Plaintiff(s) en-USin the above entitled action. The allegations in this complaint are true. Atty. No.: þ en-US Pro Se 99500 Name: þ þ en-USAtty. for (if applicable): Address: þ þ City: þ þ State: þ þ Zip: þ en-US Telephone: þ en-US Primary Email: þ þ en-USUnder penalties as provided by law pursuant to 735 ILCS en-USen-USforth herein are true and correct.