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Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 1 of 1 Bond Deposit Order þ (04/04/19) CCCO 0012 en-USIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISen-USCOUNTY DEPARTMENT, COUNTY DIVISIONen-USBOND DEPOSIT ORDER Case No. þ en-US Calendar: þ en-US en-USPEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, ex. rel.,en-USState222s Attorney of Cook County, Illinoisen-USPlaintiffen-USv. en-USDefendant en-USen-USex rel., State222s Attorney of Cook County, Illinois and the Court having heard the sworn testimony of witnesses and en-UShaving examined proofs and exhibits offered and received, and being fully advised in the premises,en-USIT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. That the total bond posted by the claimant in this matter is $ þ en-US. 2. en-USThat the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County shall retain as costs ten percent (10%) of the sum of theen-USbond deposited as bail up to $100.00 in this matter to the following party(s): 3. en-USThat the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County shall return the remainder of the sum of the bonden-USdeposited in this matter to the following party(s): en-USen-USForfeiture Unit,en-USRichard J. Daley Center, Rm 300en-US50 W Washington, Chicago, IL 60602en-US312-603-6462 en-USthe Claimant in this matter: By: þ en-USAssistant State222s Attorney (10295)en-USAttorney for the Plaintiffen-USen-USRichard J. Daley Center, 50 W Washington, Rm 300en-USChicago, IL 60602en-USTelephone: (312) 603-6462en-USENTERED: Dated: þ en-USen-US þ þ Judge þ Judge222s No.