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Final Pre-Trial Order Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Cook Local County.
Tags: Final Pre-Trial Order, CCCO 0015, Illinois Local County, Cook
Print Form Clear Form Final Pre-Trial Order IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, COUNTY DIVISION (10/05/07) CCCO 0015 A ___________________________________________ Plaintiff v. ___________________________________________ Cook County Treasurer and Ex Officio County Collector Defendant } Valuation Objection No. ____________________ FINAL PRE-TRIAL ORDER (4547) This cause coming on for a final pretrial conference, and the parties being represented by their respective counsel, THE COURT HEREBY ENTERS THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND ORDER: 1. The parties have entered into a stipulation of uncontested facts and uncontested matters of law, as follows: (The parties are directed to narrow the factual and legal issues for trial by stipulation insofar as possible. Each of the following items, which will normally be uncontested or will have been resolved by the trial management order, must be stipulated unless a specific dispute as to that item has arisen.) ____________________________________________ P.I.N. (s): ___________________________________________________________________________ Location: ___________________________________________________________________________ Volume:______________________ Township: Description: (1) (2) (3) ________________________________________________________________________ Improvement(s): _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ User (for subject tax year): __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Land: Current Assessment and Taxes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ___________________________________________________________________ Total AV: ______________________________________________________________________ Indicate FMV: __________________________________________________________________ Tax Rate: _________________________________ Equalizer ____________________________ Total Annual Taxes: _______________________________________________________________ Classification: (OVER) (10/05/07) CCCO 0015 B 2. Plaintiff's claim is based on the following total fair market value, total assessed value and total annual taxes for the subject property, and plaintiff seeks the following total tax refund: (1) FMV: __________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Total AV: _______________________________________________________________________________ (3) Total Annual Taxes: _______________________________________________________________________ (4) Refund Claimed: _________________________________________________________________________ 3. The contested issues of law and fact in this case are as follows: (The parties are directed to make an agreed statement of contested issues insofar as possible in whole or in part. To the extent that agreement cannot be reached a separate statement by each party shall be included.) 4. The exhibits to be offered at trial by each party are as follows: (Each party is to list all exhibits, including documents, charts, summaries or other items to be offered in evidence, and any demonstrative evidence. All exhibits are to be marked for identification, and are to be made available to the opposing party for inspection or copying, prior to trial; and copies thereof shall be furnished to the Court. Counsel are directed to stipulate to the authenticity of exhibits wherever possible, and no objection to authenticity shall be entertained by the court unless it has first been noted on the exhibit list which is made part of this order. Both sides are to submit memorandums as to the contested exhibits.) 5. List of all depositions, if any, or portions thereof, to be offered in evidence by each party are as follows: (Each specific portion of any deposition to be offered in evidence shall be identified by the name of the deponent, date of the deposition, and the page(s) and line(s) of testimony to be offered. Any objections to admission of the deposition in evidence shall be noted on the list by the objecting party.) 6. The names and address of the witnesses who may be called by each party are as follows: (Each party is to list all witnesses who may be called to testify, including opinion witnesses and excepting only rebuttal witnesses who are not identifiable prior to trial. If more than one opinion witness is listed for a party, the subject matter of each such witness's testimony shall be noted on the list.) 7. All discovery has been completed and, except for good cause shown, no further discovery shall be permitted. (Further discovery will only be permitted by the court upon a showing of extraordinary circumstances, in which event this paragraph would be modified to set forth what discovery remains to be completed by each party.) 8. The order shall also provide for any other matters which would contribute to the efficient trial and deposition of the case. 9. Trial is set to commence at _________________________, __________, without further notice. This order will control the course of the trial and may not be amended except by consent of the parties and the court, or by order of the court to prevent manifest injustice. (4579) 10. All exhibits, witness lists, and other materials as previously mentioned that may be used at trial are to be delivered to the judge five working days prior to the trial, unless one or both of the parties object. The purpose of this document production is to offer the judge the opportunity to view the exhibits prior to the start of the trial. ______________________________________________ Attorney for Plaintiff Atty. No.: ______________ _____________________________________________ Assistant State's Attorney ENTERED: Dated: __________________________, __________ ________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS