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Notice Of Case Management - Scheduling Conference And Hearing Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Cook Local County.
Tags: Notice Of Case Management - Scheduling Conference And Hearing, CCCO 0081, Illinois Local County, Cook
Print Form Notice of Case Management/Scheduling Conference and Hearing IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, COUNTY DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF Clear Form (3/08/10) CCCO 0081 Asserted to be a Person subject to Involuntary Admission } at _______________ a.m. in room _________________ at this address: (time) (address) NOTICE OF CASE MANAGEMENT/SCHEDULING CONFERENCE AND HEARING You are Hereby Notified that a Case Management/Scheduling Conference for the Attorneys will be held at 11:00 a.m. in Room 1703 Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington, Chicago Illinois 60602, on _________________________, __________ You are hereby notified that the initial court hearing concerning the above-named individual has been set for _________________________________, ____________ (date) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You may appear in person. You may have an attorney appear with you or for you (3320). If this date is changed at the Case Management/ Scheduling Conference, you will be notified. Atty. No.: _________________ Date _______________________________________ Clerk __________________________________________ Atty. for: _____________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________________ Name: ______________________________________ Return I certify that I served this notice and a copy of the Petition on _____________________________________________ as follows: (name) By leaving a copy with him/her personally on __________________________________, __________. (date) informing that person of the contents of the notice, and also by sending on __________________________________, __________ (date) a copy of the notice in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, addressed to him/her at his/her usual place of abode. ____________________________________________________ (name) Sheriff of by ____________________________________ County _________________________________________ Deputy (For use if service by someone other than the sheriff or his/her deputy) _______________________________________________, under penalty for perjury as provided by 735 ILCS 5/1-109, states that s/he (name) served this notice upon the above-named person(s) by delivering a true copy thereof to each of them. ___________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________ Printed Name DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS