Order To Correct Electronic Docket
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Order To Correct Electronic Docket Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Cook Local County.
Tags: Order To Correct Electronic Docket, CCCO 0016, Illinois Local County, Cook
Print Form Clear Form Order to Correct Electronic Docket IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, COUNTY DIVISION (4/11/06) CCCO 0016 _____________________________________________ Plaintiff v. _____________________________________________ Defendant } Case No. ______________________________ ORDER TO CORRECT ELECTRONIC DOCKET The Court being advised by the Clerk of Court that the Attached Order was incorrectly entered in the Electronic Docket; 1. Date of Order: ___________________________________, __________: 2. Incorrect Docket Entry: ( ) _________________________________________ Description of Order Code ________________________________________________________________________. 3. Correct Docket Entry: ( Code ) __________________________________________ Description of Order ________________________________________________________________________. Therefore, the Clerk of Court is directed to delete the incorrect entry and enter the correct entry in the Electronic Docket for this matter. ENTERED: Dated: _________________________, __________ _________________________________________ Judge Judge's No.