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Order for Immediate Sealing of Criminal Records (11/13/17) CCCR N341IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISPage 1 of 1ORDER FOR IMMEDIATE SEALING OF CRIMINAL RECORDSThis Court, having considered all pleadings and any objections thereto, and after an evidentiary hearing, ORDERS THAT:1. Defendant/Petitioner222s Petition for Immediate Sealing of Criminal Records is GRANTED.2. The Illinois State Police, the above Arresting Agency, þ , þ the Chicago Police Department, and the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall seal the arrest from its records, ifany, within sixty (60) days of the date of service of this order. It is further directed that the Arresting Agen--3. þ In accordance with the law, orders of protection, civil no contact orders, and civil no contact stalking ordersshall not be sealed.PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOISorA Municipal Corporation,v.Defendant/PetitionerCase þ þ and/or þ Ticket þ þ Numbers þ þ þ þ Date of Birth: þ Gender: Male Female Race: þ Prepared by: þ þ Cook County Attorney Code: þ Name: þ Address: þ City/State/Zip: þ Telephone: Primary Email: þ ENTERED:Dated: þ JudgeJudge222s No.