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Print Form Clear Form Order of Continuance Rush Theft Deterrent Program IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS The People of State of Illinois OR ______________________________________________________ A Municipal Corporation v. ______________________________________________________ Municipal District (Rev. 09/29/14) CCCR 0005 ________________________ Branch/Room No. ________________________ Case No(s) ________________________ ORDER OF CONTINUANCE RUSH THEFT DETERRENT PROGRAM IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the above captioned case be continued by agreement of the parties to the date listed below for status. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Defendant cooperate with the recommendations of the Rush Theft Deterrent Program as a condition of the continuance. The Defendant shall report immediately following these proceedings to the Social Service Department, Circuit Court of Cook County, ________________________________________________________________________________ (Location) The Court further orders that the Defendant call the Rush Theft Deterrent Program at (773) 631-7053 within two (2) business days from the date of this order for an appointment. The Defendant will then be given an appointment date to attend the Rush Theft Deterrent Program. The Defendant understands and agrees to each of the following: 1. 2. 3. Defendant agrees to stay away from the premises of the offense listed in the complaint until __________________________ . (Date) Defendant agrees to abide by all of the provisions of the Rush Theft Deterrent Program set out on the back of this form. Defendant agrees to pay restitution in the amount of $ _______ prior to the final disposition of this case. 4. 5. 6. Defendant agrees to pay the costs of the Rush Theft Deterrent Program in cash or money order on the date of the appointment. Defendant agrees to abide by all state, local and federal laws until final disposition of this case. Defendant agrees to the following additional requirements: ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT THE DEFENDANT is to report to Courtroom ________________________ on _______________________________________________ at ________________________________ a.m./p.m. to ___________________________________________ (not to Social Services) Attorney No.: _____________________________ Name: __________________________________ Atty. for: ________________________________ Address: _________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Telephone: _______________________________ ENTERED: Dated: _________________________ , __________ ___________________________________________ Judge Judge's No. DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Page 1 of 2 Order of Continuance Rush Theft Deterrent Program (Rev. 09/29/14) CCCR 0005 OPERATION OF THE RUSH THEFT DETERRENT PROGRAM 1. Persons eligible for the program are first-time retail theft offenders without any other prior record. 2. The Assistant State's Attorney at each branch is responsible for identifying defendants eligible for the program, approaching them and/or their attorney and completing an order for the court's signature. 3. The order is for continuance with a specific return date by agreement. The continuance is conditioned on the defendant completing the Rush Theft Deterrent Program prior to the return date. 4. Upon the Order of Continuance being issued, the Assistant State's Attorney gives the defendant an information sheet. That sheet includes directions on how to make an appointment and provides the address and phone number to the office of the Rush Theft Deterrent Program and directs the person to report to the Social Service Department of Circuit Court of Cook County. The Social Service Department will monitor the defendant's compliance with the Rush Theft Deterrent Program. 5. The defendant is scheduled for a class at a Rush Theft Deterrent Program. 6. Payment for the class is a matter between the defendant and the Rush Theft Deterrent Program. The full amount must be paid the day of the class to the Rush Theft Deterrent Program. 7. Upon completion of the class and fulfillment of the payment agreement, the defendant is either given or mailed a letter indicating completion of the program. 8. Upon presentation of the completion letter to the court on the return date, the case is dismissed. DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Page 2 of 2