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Case Management Order Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Cook Local County.
Tags: Case Management Order, CCDR 0605, Illinois Local County, Cook
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(Rev. 7/10/12) CCDR 0605 A
In re the Marriage/Civil Union of:
No. D __________________________
Calendar ________________________
THIS CAUSE having been set for an Initial / Subsequent Case Management Conference
under the provisions of Illinois Supreme Court Rule 218, and the parties having appeared by counsel/
with counsel, Petitioner/Respondent appearing pro se, being all persons authorized to act in the
matter; and the Court, having conducted such conference and having jurisdiction of the parties and the
subject matter,
1. ISSUES. The court and the parties having considered the nature, issues and complexity of the
case, and as a result of attempts at simplification of the issues, the following remain as disputed issues in
this cause:
Marriage Civil Union
Legal Separation
Declaration of Invalidity
Custody/Custody Modification
Child Support/Support Modification
Attorney Fees
Division of Personal Property
Value of Property
Amount of Income Petitioner Respondent
Whether Property is Marital/Civil Union or
Nonmarital/Non Civil Union
Division of Marital/Civil Union Property
Assignment of Debts
Educational Expenses
Other: _______________________________________________________________________
2. PLEADINGS. The Parties have been granted leave to make the following amendments to the
pleadings with appropriate responses:
(Rev. 7/10/12) CCDR 0605 B
3. DISPOSITIVE MOTIONS. The parties (have filed) (intend to file) (do not intend to file) potentially
dispositive motions. Any such motions not already on file will be filed within ______ days. Responsive
pleadings will be filed within ______ days, and replies, if any within _____ days thereafter. Hearing on any
such motions will be set by the court by separate order.
4. A. D. R. The parties have agreed that exploration of alternative dispute resolution is appropriate in
this cause, and by their agreement, they are accordingly referred to __________________________________
for that purpose. This matter is continued to _____________________________, at ____________. M., for
status on the progress of their efforts.
5. STIPULATION. The parties (have entered) (will enter) into a stipulation of facts which has been
filed (or) will be filed with the Clerk of the Court, with a courtesy copy to the trial judge no later than
6. EXHIBITS. The parties will submit lists of exhibits which they intend to offer at trial. Copies of their
lists, indicating all exhibits which will be admitted into evidence without objection, are attached to this
order, or will be delivered to the trial judge no later than ______________________. In accordance with
pretrial procedures, a list of all exhibits to which objections have been raised, along with notation of the
expected objections, will be presented to the Preliminary Judge before trial assignment, and the trial judge
at the time of trial.
7. PETITIONER’S DISCOVERY. Petitioner has initiated discovery consisting of (check all which
written interrogatories,
request for production of documents,
request to admit facts or genuineness of documents.
Respondent has / has not fully responded to Petitioner's:
written interrogatories,
request for production of documents,
request to admit facts or genuineness of documents.
8. RESPONDENT’S DISCOVERY. Respondent has initiated discovery consisting of (check all which
written interrogatories,
request for production of documents,
request to admit facts or genuineness of documents.
Petitioner has has not fully responded to Respondent's:
written interrogatories,
request for production of documents,
request to admit facts or genuineness of documents.
(Rev. 7/10/12) CCDR 0605 C
9. Each of the parties will comply fully with the other's outstanding discovery on or before
____________________________________. All written discovery and depositions are to be completed no
later than _______________________________, at which time discovery will be closed. These discovery
deadlines may be extended for good cause shown, but should in no event be less than 60 days before the
actual trial date.
10. Petitioner has served notice or subpoenas for _______________________________ deposition(s).
Respondent has served notice or subpoenas for _____________________________ deposition(s).
The Petitioner is limited to _____________________ depositions in this cause.
The Respondent is limited to ___________________ depositions in this cause.
No deposition will exceed three (3) hours in duration. Counsel for all parties will conduct themselves
during depositions so as to avoid lengthy arguments, objections and comments, unnecessary interruptions
and side conferences, and to assure that the depositions may be completed within the allotted time. No depositions other than those authorized by this order will be permitted without leave of Court.
Leave is granted for the Petitioner / Respondent to exceed three hours when taking the deposition
of __________________________________, and such deposition shall not exceed _______ hours.
11. OPINION WITNESSES. The parties have identified the following opinion witnesses whom they
expect to call during their cases in chief:
Petitioner's opinion witnesses:
Area of Expertise
Subject Matter
Respondent's opinion witnesses:
Area of Expertise
Subject Matter
Neither party may call more than __________________________________ opinion witnesses.
(Rev. 7/10/12) CCDR 0605 D
12. All opinion witnesses will be disclosed no later than __________________________, and all opinions
or written reports of opinion witnesses will be disclosed to the opposing party, with the specificity required
by Supreme Court Rule 213(g), no later than ________________________, and in no event less than 60 days
before the actual trial date.
13. CONFERENCES. All parties will submit Pre-Trial Memoranda to the Court on
A pretrial settlement conference will be held on _____________________________, at ____________.M.,
at which time counsel familiar with the case, and authorized to act, shall appear.
It is advisable that a subsequent case management conference be held on
______________________________, at ____________.M.,
14. TRIAL DATE. This case is set for trial on __________________________________.
15. COURT REPORTERS. The trial judge does not have a court reporter assigned to his/her courtroom.
In order to provide an accurate record, the parties must provide their own court reporter for the trial.
16. Additional stipulations and orders: ______________________________________________________
The terms and conditions of the foregoing Order have been reviewed and discussed between the
Court and counsel of record for all of the parties, and all counsel understand the terms of this Order.
Attorney for Petitioner
Attorney for Respondent
Child(ren)’s Representative
PRO SE Signature
DATED: ___________________________, ___________
Attorney for
This order prepared by the Court or for the Court by:
Atty. No.: __________________
Name: ___________________________________________
Atty. for: _____________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
City/State/Zip: ________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________