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Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois þ cookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 1 of 1IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS þ QUALIFICATIONS FOR SAME DAY DIVORCE INFORMATION SHEETThe Co-Petitioners further state:1. The duration of the marriage/civil union does not exceed 8 years.2. Irreconcilable differences have caused the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage/civil union. Efforts atreconciliation have failed or future attempts at reconciliation would be impracticable and not in the bestinterests of the family.3. No children were born of the relationship of the parties or adopted by the parties during the marriage/civilunion. Neither party is pregnant by the other party.4. Neither party is dependent on the other party for support or each party is willing to waive the rightto maintenance. Each party understands that prior consultation with an attorney may have helped todetermine eligibility for spousal support.5. Each party waives any right to maintenance.6. Neither party has any interest in real estate.7. retirement accounts and the combined value of the accounts is less than $10,000.8. The total fair market value of all marital/civil union property, after deducting all debts owed, is less than$50,000.9. One Co-Petitioner222s gross annual income from all sources is $ þ . The other Co-Petitioner222s gross annual income from all sources is $ þ . The total annual income of bothparties is less than $60,000. Neither party has a gross annual income from all sources in excess of $30,000.10. Both parties have disclosed to each other all assets, liabilities and their tax returns for all years of themarriage/civil union.11. The parties have executed a written Agreement dividing all assets in excess of $100 in value and allocatingresponsibility for debts and liabilities between themselves. A copy of the Agreement, signed by both parties,