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Summons - Alias Summons Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Cook Local County.
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Tags: Summons - Alias Summons, CCDR N001, Illinois Local County, Cook
Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 1 of 4en-USIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISen-USCOUNTY DEPARTMENT, DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION Summons/Alias Summons þ (06/29/19) CCDR 0001 A þ en-USPetitioneren-USand þ en-USRespondenten-US* þ Hearing/Return Date: at þ þ þ AM þ þ PM * þ Applies to Suburban Districts ONLY IN RE: þ þ Marriage þ þ Civil Union þ þ Legal Separation þ Allocation of Parental Responsibilities þ þ Visitation (Non-Parent) þ þ Support þ Parentage of: Case No. þ þ Calendar þ þ ** þ Please serve the Respondent at: þ þ þ SUMMONS þ þ ALIAS SUMMONS en-USTO THE RESPONDENT:en-US þ Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union þ þ Legal Separation þ þ þ þ þ Child Support þ þ þ þ Other: þ þ en-USYOU ARE SUMMONEDen-USen-USwritten appearance and responseen-US en-USno later than þ þ thirty (30) days þ þ seven (7) days after service of this summons en-US, not counting the en-USen-USen-USen-US þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ Service þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ 2700 þ - þ Return of Service P.S. þ - þ Order of þ Protection 2702 þ - þ Return of Service N.S. þ - þ Order of þ Protection 2708 þ - þ Return of Service of Order þ - þ P.S. 2710 þ - þ Return of Service of Order N.S. American LegalNet, Inc. Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 2 of 4 Witness: þ þ Date: þ en-US þ en-US Date of Service: þ en-USen-USen-USRespondent or other person): þ Summons/Alias Summons þ (06/29/19) CCDR 0001 B en-USen-USmay be entered against you and the court may grant the petitioner all or part of the relief en-USthat s/he is requesting in her or his petition.en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USTO THE OFFICERen-USen-USen-US þ en-US þ þ þ þ Address: þ þ þ þ State: þ þ Zip: þ en-US Telephone: þ en-US þ þ American LegalNet, Inc. Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 3 of 4 en-USen-US a. þ en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USuntil further order of the court: 1. þ en-USen-USen-USand 2. þ en-USen-USparent.en-USen-US e. þ en-USen-USen-USNOTICE PURSUANT TO ILLINOIS SUPREME COURT RULE SCR 101(en-USeen-US)en-USON SERVICE OF THIS SUMMONS, A DISSOLUTION ACTION STAY SHALLen-USBE IN EFFECT, RESTRAINING BOTH PARTIES, AS PROVIDED BY STATUTE þ en-USen-USen-USen-USILCS 5/411 (b)}en-USANY PERSON WHO FAILS TO OBEY A DISSOLUTION ACTION STAY MAY BE en-USSUBJECT TO PUNISHMENT FOR CONTEMPT. Summons/Alias Summons þ (06/29/19) CCDR 0001 C American LegalNet, Inc. Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 4 of 4en-USCLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY OFFICE LOCATIONS þ þ 50 W Washington þ Chicago, IL 60602 þ þ 5600 Old Orchard Rd þ þ þ 2121 Euclid þ þ þ þ þ þ 10220 S 76th Ave þ þ þ þ þ þ 555 W Harrison þ Chicago, IL 60607 þ Juvenile Center Building þ þ Chicago, IL 60602 þ þ þ Chicago, IL 60608 en-USDaley Center Divisions/Departments þ Civil Division þ þ þ Chicago, IL 60602 þ þ þ þ þ Chicago, IL 60602 þ þ þ þ þ Chicago, IL 60602 þ þ Civil Appeals þ þ þ Chicago, IL 60602 þ þ þ þ þ Chicago, IL 60602 þ þ þ þ þ Chicago, IL 60602 þ þ Probate Division þ þ þ Chicago, IL 60602 þ þ þ þ þ Chicago, IL 60602 þ þ þ þ þ Chicago, IL 60602 þ American LegalNet, Inc.