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Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 1 of 2 0007 Complaint and Confession of Judgment on Lease þ (03/11/19) CCG 0012 A en-USIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISen-USCOMPLAINT AND CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT ON LEASE en-USv. Case No. þ 1. On þ en-US , a written lease was made between Plaintiff, þ en-US , as landlord, and defendant, þ en-US as tenant. The lease is attached as anen-USexhibit.en-US2.en-US*en-US a. The lease was executed in this county. b. The defendant resides in this county. c. Real or personal property owned by a defendant is located in this county. 3. Defendant did not pay rent due on þ en-US , and there is due from defendant: $ þ en-US rent$ þ en-US interest $ þ en-US attorney222s fees $ þ en-US TOTAL en-USPlaintiff asks judgment against defendant for the en-USAttorney for Plaintiff Atty. No.: þ en-US Atty Name: þ þ Address: þ þ City: þ State: þ þ Zip: þ en-US Phone: þ en-US Primary Email: þ þ en-US*en-USStrike (a), (b), (c), not applicable. At least one of said subdivisions must remain.en-USAFFIDAVIT en-USUnder penalties as provided by law pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/1-109 en-USen-UStrue and correct. Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 2 of 2en-USCONFESSIONen-USDefendant by his/her attorney, waives service of process and confesses that is due from defendant to plaintiff: $ þ en-US rent $ þ en-US interest $ þ en-US attorney222s fees $ þ en-US TOTALen-USDefendant agrees that judgment may be entered against him/her for the total above and for costs, and releases and waives all en-USrights as authorized in the warrant of attorney. 0007 Complaint and Confession of Judgment on Lease þ (03/11/19) CCG 0012 B en-USAttorney for Defendant Atty. No.: þ en-US Atty Name: þ þ Address: þ þ City: þ þ State: þ þ Zip: þ en-US Phone: þ en-US Primary Email: þ þ en-USJUDGMENT ORDER It is ordered that plaintiff þ en-US recover from defendant þ $ þ en-US en-USand costs of suit, execution may en-USissue.en-USen-USENTERED: Dated: þ en-USen-US þ Judge þ Judge222s No.