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Notice And Acknowledgment Of Receipt Of Summons And Complaint Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Cook Local County.
Tags: Notice And Acknowledgment Of Receipt Of Summons And Complaint, CCG 0063, Illinois Local County, Cook
Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 1 of 2 Notice and Acknowledgment of � Receipt of Summons and Complaint � (10/12/18) CCG 0063 A en-USIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISen-USNOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF SUMMONS AND en-USCOMPLAINT en-USPlaintiff(s)en-USvs. en-US Defendant(s) Case No. � en-USen-USDefendant(s) Amount Claimed: � $ � en-US en-USTo: en-US Address: en-US (Name) City: � State: � � Zip: � en-USen-USThe enclosed summons and complaint are served pursuant to section 2--213 of the Code of Civil en-USProcedure.en-USYou must complete the acknowledgment part of this form and return one copy of the completeden-USform to the sender within en-US en-US*en-US days.en-USYou must sign and date the acknowledgment. If you are served on behalf of a corporation, en-USunincorporated association (including a partnership), or other entity, you must indicate under your en-USsignature your relationship to that entity. If you are served on behalf of another person and you are en-USauthorized to receive process, you must indicate under your signature your authority.en-USIf you do not complete and return the form to the sender within en-US en-US*en-US days, you (or the en-USparty on whose behalf you are being served) may be served a summons and complaint in any other en-USmanner permitted by law.en-USIf you do comen-USplete and return this form, you (or the party on whose behalf you are being served)en-USmust answer the complaint within en-US en-US**en-US days. If you fail to do so, judgment by default en-USwill be taken against you for the relief en-USdemanded in the complaint.en-USI declare, under penalty of perjury, that this notice and acknowledgment of receipt of summons and en-UScomplaint will have been mailed on en-US .Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 2 of 2 Notice and Acknowledgment of � Receipt of Summons and Complaint � (10/12/18) CCG 0063 B en-USACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT en-USI declare, under penalty of perjury, that I received a copy of the summons and of the complaint in en-USthe above captioned matter at:en-US(Please print or type)en-USName: Address: � City: � � State: � � Zip: � Email: � Relationship to Entity/Authority to Receive Service of Process: � � en-US(Not applicable if your are the named Defendant or Respondent.) Dated: � en-USSignatureen-US* (To be completed by the person sending the notice.) Date for return of waiver must be at least 30 days from the date en-USon which the request is sent, or 60 days if the defendant is addressed outside the United States.en-US** � (To be completed by the person sending the notice.) Date for answering complaint must be at least 60 days from the en-USdate on which the request is sent, or 90 days if the defendant is addressed outside the United States.en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USgethelp.asp.