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NOTICE OF MOTION CITATION EXEMPTION HEARING IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS _____________________ DEPARTMENT/ _____ DISTRICT NOTICE OF MOTION CITATION EXEMPTION HEARING Judgment Creditor v. Judgment Debtor TO: JUDGMENT CREDITOR/ATTORNEY Name: Address: City: ______________________ On ___________ at __________ CITED PARTY/ATTORNEY Name: Address: (05/09/16) CCG N649 No. IL State: ____ AM Zip: ________ City: ______________________ IL State: ____ Zip: ________ PM, or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, I shall appear before the Honorable _______________________________________, or any judge sitting in his/her stead, in courtroom usually occupied by him/her in Room ____________, at the the court house located at: and present a Motion to Claim exemption under Citation proceedings. Atty. No.: ________________ Name: Atty for: Address: City: ______________________ Primary Email: Secondary Email: Tertiary Email: , IL State: ____ Zip: ________ Telephone: ________________________ PROOF OF SERVICE BY DELIVERY/MAIL/EMAIL I, __________________________________ ( on ___________ at __________ AM attorney PM attorney non-attorney) certify under penalties as provided by law pursuant non-attorney) certify under penalties as provided by law pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/1-109 that on ___________ I served this notice delivering a copy personally to the person to whom it was directed I, __________________________________ ( to 735 ILCS 5/1-109 that I served this notice by mailing a copy to ____________________________________________________ at ________________________________________________________________________ and deposited the same in the U.S. Mail at: ______________________________________________________________________ at __________ PM, with proper postage prepaid. I, __________________________________ ( attorney non-attorney) under penalties as provided by law pursuant to AM PM 735 ILCS 5/1-109 that on ___________ I served this notice via email (sender's email is ____________________________ ) to (recipient's email ____________________________ ) at __________ Date: Signature: AM DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS