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2160 Notice of Withdrawal of Limited Scope Appearance (03/22/16) CCG 0040 A IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Plaintiff/Petitioner Case No. ___________________________ v. Defendant/Respondent NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF LIMITED SCOPE APPEARANCE (2160) I withdraw my Notice of Limited Scope Appearance for ________________________________________ (party), pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 13(c)(7). I have completed all services within the scope of the Notice of Limited Scope Appearance, and I have completed all acts ordered by the court within the scope of that appearance. Service of documents upon me under Supreme Court Rule 11(e) will no longer be required upon the later of: (a) 21 days after service of this Notice or (b) if ___________________________ (party)filesandservesanObjectiontoWithdrawalof Limited Scope Appearance within 21 days after service of this Notice, entry of a court order allowing my withdrawal. Service of documents on ___________________________ (party) continues to be required. NOTICETO___________________________ (party):Youhavetherighttoobjecttomywithdrawalasyour lawyerif youbelievethatIhavenotfinishedeverythingthatIhadagreedtodo.Toobject,youmust: 1. Fillintheblanksintheattachedformof ObjectiontoWithdrawalof LimitedScopeAppearance,includingthe Certificateof Serviceandsignwhereindicated. 2. FiletheoriginalObjectionwiththecourtby_________,(datetobefilledinbylawyer)whichis21daysafter thedatethatIamfilingandservingthisNotice. 3. OnthesamedaythatyoufiletheObjectionwiththecourt,sendcopiesof ittome,andtotheotherpersons listedintheCertificateof ServiceattachedtotheObjection.Also,checktheboxesintheCertificateof Service to show how you sent the copy to each person. If youfileandserveanObectionwithinthe21-dayperiod,Iwillarrangetohaveahearingdatesetbythecourt. Iwillsendyounoticeof thedate.YoumustappearatthehearingandexplaintothejudgewhyyoubelievethatI havenotfinishedeverythingthatIhadagreedtodoforyou. By: Atty. No.: ________________ Name: Atty. for: Address: City: ______________________ PrimaryEmail: SecondaryEmail: TertiaryEmail: DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. Signature of Attorney Date: ___________ State: ____ Zip: ________ Telephone: ________________________ 2160 Notice of Withdrawal of Limited Scope Appearance PROOF OF FILING AND SERVICE (03/22/16) CCG 0040 B IcertifythatthisNoticehasbeenfiledwiththecourton_________, and on the same day I served this Notice on the following, including the Party that I represented, all counsel of record and parties not represented by counsel, andthejudgenowpresidingoverthiscase,bythemethodcheckedbelowforeach. List the name and address for each of the following: Presiding Judge: TheHonorable: Address: City: ____________________________________ State: ____ Method of Service: Client: Name: Address: City: ____________________________________ State: ____ Method of Service: Name: Address: City: ____________________________________ State: ____ Method of Service: Unrepresented Party: Name: Address: City: ____________________________________ State: ____ Method of Service: US Mail, Postage Prepaid Zip: ___________ Email Messenger Fax Personal Delivery US Mail, Postage Prepaid Zip: ___________ Email Messenger Fax Personal Delivery US Mail, Postage Prepaid OtherCounselof Record: Zip: ___________ Email Messenger Fax Personal Delivery US Mail, Postage Prepaid Zip: ___________ Email Messenger Fax Personal Delivery Signature of Attorney DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.