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Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 1 of 2 Order for Special Conditions of Bail þ (04/10/19) CCG N501 A en-USIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISen-USORDER FOR SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF BAIL en-USTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, en-USPetitioneren-USen-USDefendant Case No. þ en-USIT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT, in the event the Defendant is admitted to bail, he or she shall comply with the en-USspecial conditions of bail as set forth below: en-USReport to: Pretrial Services Division of the Adult Probation Social Service Department and comply with en-USongoing reporting requirements as determined en-USby Social Service Department and/or as en-US en-US þ en-USDivision of the Adult Probation Department or en-US Submit to random/periodic drug testing. þ Other: þ þ en-USAttend counseling as arranged by Pretrialen-USServices Division of the Adult Probation en-USDepartment or Social Service Department: Undergo drug and/or alcohol assessment. Participate in a recommended substance abuse en-USprogram. Report to drug treatment facility for inpatient en-US Undergo medical or psychiatric treatment. þ Other: þ þ en-US . Refrain from indulging in intoxicating liquor, illegalen-USdrugs or the following drugs: Remain at the address: during the curfew hours of: þ en-USCard to the following law enforcement agency en-USen-US . en-USimmediately to the following law enforcement en-USagency: Surrender his or her passport prior to being en-USadmitted to bail to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. en-USher dependants. Refrain from contact or communication with child en-USvictim as ordered by court. Minor to reside with parents or in foster home, en-USattend school, attend non-residential youth program, en-UScontribute to own support (Strike those not en-USapplicable). Be placed on an electronic monitoring device en-USmonitored by Pretrial Services Division of the Adult en-USProbation Department. Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 2 of 2 Be placed on an electronic monitoring device en-USmonitored by the Cook County Sheriff (complete en-USSheriff222s Electronic Monitoring Form). GPS monitoring and comply with GPS en-US Do not contact the victim/complainant: en-US ,en-USwitness(es) or members of their family(ies): Refrain from contacting the victim/complainant for en-US72 hours following release. Do not enter the premises or the area: Refrain from entering the victim222s/complainant222s þ residence for 72 en-UShours following release. Vacate the residence located at: en-USuntil further order of the court. Order for Special Conditions of Bail þ Case No. þ (04/10/19) CCG N501 B en-USVIOLATIONS OF THE CONDITIONS OF BAIL MAY RESULT IN ARREST, INCREASE IN BAIL OR en-USREVOCATION OF BAIL.en-USENTERED: Dated: þ en-USen-US en-US Judge þ Judge222s No. Atty. No.: þ þ ARDC No.: þ en-US Atty Name: þ þ Atty. for: þ þ Address: þ þ City: þ þ State: þ þ Zip: þ en-US Telephone: þ en-US Primary Email: þ þ