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Petition to Revive Judgment (11/30/16) CCG N051 A IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT, FIRST DISTRICT Plaintiff v. Defendant PETITION TO REVIVE JUDGMENT NOW COMES the Plaintiff, __________________________________ by and through its attorneys, __________________________________, and praying that this Court revive the judgment previously entered against Defendant, __________________________________, respectfully states as follows: 1. That on _________, this Court entered a Judgment in favor of __________________________________ and against __________________________________ in the sum of $ _____________ plus costs. 2. That defendant was given due notice in accordance with Supreme Court Rule 106. 3. That as of this date, _________, interest at the statutory rate of 9% has accrued in the sum of $ _____________. 4. That as of this date, _________ the Defendant is entitled to credit for payments in the sum of $ _____________. 5. That court cost expended prior to the Revival of Judgment total $ _____________ Wherefore, Plaintiff prays that the Judgment in the sum of $ _____________ entered on _________ be revived. Case No. Return Date: _________ One of Plaintiff 's Attorneys DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Petition to Revive Judgment (11/30/16) CCG N051 B Pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Code of Civil Procedure the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this instrument are true and correct. Signature Atty. No.: ________________ Atty Name: Atty. for: Address: City: ____________________________ Zip: ________ Telephone: ________________________ Primary Email: Secondary Email: Tertiary Email: State: ____