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Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 1 of 4 Six Month Firearms Restraining Order þ (11/19/18) CC N1 A en-USIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISen-USSIX MONTH FIREARMS RESTRAINING ORDER en-USPetitioneren-USRespondent Case No. þ en-US Petitioner222s Address: þ Street Address þ City þ State þ Zip Respondent222s Address: þ Street Address þ City þ State þ Zip en-USAfter reviewing the Petition and hearing the evidence and testimony of the Petitioner, the þ þ are stated following this orderþ were made orally and en-USvideotaped or recorded by a court reporter.en-USen-USen-US 1. The Respondent shall refrain from having custody or control, purchasing, possessing, or en-USen-USAND The Respondent shall turn over to þ en-US A local law enforcement agency en-US2. en-USen-US þ þ at þ þ þ AM þ þ PM þ þ þ þ en-US Judge þ Judge222s No. Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 2 of 4 Six Month Firearms Restraining Order þ (11/19/18) B en-USNoticesen-USen-USen-USIf you knowingly violate this Firearms Restraining Order you are en-USguilty of a Class A misdemeanor. Prosecution for a violation of a en-USFirearms Restraining order shall not bar concurrent prosecution for en-USany other crime, including any crime that may have been committed at en-USthe time of the violation of the Firearms Restraining Order.en-USYou have the right to submit en-USone written requesten-US at any time during the en-USperiod of this order for a hearing to terminate the order. en-USYou must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that you do not en-USpose a dangeren-US of causing personal injury to yourself or another in the en-USnear future by having in your custody or control, purchasing, possessing, or en-USen-USen-USshall terminate the order.en-USen-USen-USen-USorder. A renewal will last another six months.en-USen-USyou must prove, by clear and convincing en-USevidence, that the respondent continues to pose a dangeren-US of causing en-USpersonal injury to him/herself, or another in the near future by having in his/en-USen-USen-USpetition and any other evidence of an increased risk for violence.en-USen-USLAW en-USen-USSection 40 (h)(2)en-US The respondent (is ordered) to turn over to the local en-USen-USconcealed carry license in his or her possession. The local law enforcement en-USagency shall immediately mail the card and concealed carry license to the en-USen-USen-UScarry license, if unexpired, shall be returned to the respondent after the en-USen-USSection 40 (i)en-US Except as otherwise provided in subsection (h-5) of this en-USen-USen-USbe returned to respondent because respondent cannot be located, faiis to en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USappropriate by the local law enforcement agency.Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 3 of 4 en-USNoticesen-USen-USen-USMORE INFORMATION ON SURRENDERING AND en-USRETRIEVING YOUR FIREARMSen-USSection 40 (i-5)en-USen-UShas been revoked or suspended, may petition the court, if the petitioner is en-USpresent in court or has notice of the petition, to transfer the respondent222s en-USen-USdoes not reside at the same address as the respondent. Notice of the petition en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USrespondent. en-USSection 40 (i-6)en-US lf a person other than the respondent claims title to any en-USen-USif the petitioner is present in court or has notice of the petition, to have the en-USen-USen-USprovided that: 1. en-USen-USen-USmanner such that the Respondent does not have access to or controlen-US 2. en-USen-USen-US 1. en-US 2. en-US 3. en-USen-US Six Month Firearms Restraining Order þ (11/19/18) C Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinoiscookcountyclerkofcourt.orgPage 4 of 4 Six Month Firearms Restraining Order þ (11/19/18) D en-USPetitioner is in court. en-USVenue is proper. Respondent resides in Cook County or is a non-resident with limited contacten-US Respondent þ þ has þ þ en-US þ Respondent þ þ is þ is not þ in court. þ en-USRespondent222s attorney is in courten-US en-USThere is probable cause to believe that the Respondent poses an immediate and present dangeren-USof causing personal injury to him/herself or another by having in his or her custody or control, en-USen-USORen-USFor Six Month Order en-US en-USNo evidence was presented to show that the intimate partners of the Respondent are inen-USdanger. en-US en-USen-USprovide notice has been made. en-US en-USen-USFINDINGS FOR FIREARMS RESTRAINING ORDER