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Subpoena in a Civil Matter (For Testimony and/or Documents) (This form replaces CCG N006 & CCG N014) (Rev. 6/25/09) CCG N106 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS ____________________________________________________________ v. Plaintiff/Petitioner ____________________________________________________________ Defendant/Respondent } No. ________________________________ SUBPOENA IN A CIVIL MATTER (For Testimony and/or Documents) To: ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 1. YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear to give your testimony before the Honorable _____________________________________________ in Room _____________, _______________________________________________, Illinois on ________________________, _________, at _________________ m. 2. YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear and give your deposition testimony before a Notary Public at: ____________________________________ in Room _____________, _______________________________________________, Illinois on ________________________, _________, at _________________ m. 3. YOU ARE COMMANDED to mail the following documents in your possession or control to _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________, on or before _______________________, _________, at _________________ m. at (THIS IS FOR RECORDS ONLY. THERE WILL BE NO ORAL INTERROGATORIES.): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Description continued on attached page(s). YOUR FAILURE TO RESPOND TO THIS SUBPOENA WILL SUBJECT YOU TO PUNISHMENT FOR CONTEMPT OF THIS COURT. Notice to Deponent: 1. The deponent is a public or private corporation, partnership, association, or governmental agency. The matter(s) on which examination is requested are as follows: ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Description continued on attached page(s). (A nonparty organization has a duty to designate one or more officers, directors, or managing agents, or other persons to testify on its behalf, and may set forth, for each person designated, the matters on which that person will testify. Ill. Sup. Ct. Rule 206.) 2. The deponent's testimony will be recorded by use of an audio-visual recording device, operated by _________________________________. (Name of Recording Device Operator) 3. No discovery deposition of any party or witnesses shall exceed three hours regardless of the number of parties involved in the case, except by stipulation of the parties or by order upon showing that good cause warrants a lengthier examination. Ill. Sup. Ct. Rule 206(d). Atty . No. _________________ Pro Se 99500 Issued by: Name: _____________________________________________________ Atty. for: ___________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________ Telephone: __________________________________________________ Attorney Clerk of Court Date: ________________________________________ Signature _________________________________, ________. __________. I served this subpoena by mailing a copy, as required by Ill. Sup. Ct. Rules 11, 12 and 204(a)(2), to _____________________________________ by certified mail, return receipt requested (Receipt # ________________________) on _______________________________, I paid the witness $ _________________________ for witness and mileage fees. I served this subpoena by handing a copy to ______________________________________ on _________________________, ________. I paid the witness $ _________________________ for witness and mileage fees. ______________________________________________________ (Signature of Server) ________________________________________________ (Print Name) DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS