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2755 FINAL REPORT OF INDEPENDENT REPRESENTATIVE , the independent representative of this estate, states under the penalties of perjury that the administration of this estate has been completed and, in accordance with 24728-11 of the Probate Act of 1975 [755 ILCS 5/28-11], further states as follows:1. Notice of probate has been given in compliance with 2476-10 or 9-5 [755 ILCS 5/6-10 or 5/9-5];2. þ The notice to creditors required by 24718-3 [755 ILCS 5/18-3] has been published, reasonable care was used to determine thecreditors of the decedent, and all known creditors have been given notice as required under 24718-3;3. þ Copies of the inventory and accounting have been mailed or delivered to the extent required by 24724728-6 and 28-11 [755 ILCS5/28-6 and 5/28-11]; þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ (a) all claims allowed have been paid in full; þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ þ respective priorities;5. (a) þ A spouse222s award ; (has been paid) þ (has been waived) þ (is barred) þ (is not applicable) (b) þ A child222s award ; (has been paid) þ (is not applicable)6. (a) þ All death taxes have been determined and paid or otherwise provided for; (b) The estate is not subject to death taxes;7. All administration expenses and other liabilities of the estate have been paid and the administration (a) has been completed; (b) has not been completed, but has been provided for (see attached);8. þ Notice of probate and release of the estate222s interest in real estate has been recorded to the extent required by 24724720-24 and 28-10(a) of the Probate Act [755 ILCS 5/20-24 and 5/28-10(a)];9. The remaining assets of the estate have been distributed to the persons entitled thereto;10. þ The fees paid or payable to the independent representative and the attorney (have been) (have not been) approved by all interested persons;11. þ Receipts have been obtained from all heirs or legatees, and written approvals have been obtained from unpaid creditors and are þ þ þ FINAL REPORT þ . Dated: [signature of the independent representative] þ *Check the applicable statement.*** Attorney Number þ Name þ Firm Name þ Attorneys for the representative Address þ City/State/Zip þ Telephone þ Email þ Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook CountyPage 1 of 1CCP-1011 (Rev. 10/1/2018) Case No. Calendar Estate of DeceasedIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT 226 PROBATE DIVISION