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Complaint In Forcible Entry And Detainer Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Dekalb Local County.
Tags: Complaint In Forcible Entry And Detainer, Illinois Local County, Dekalb
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE TWENTY-THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DEKALB COUNTY, ILLINOIS ________________________________________ Plaintiff(s), vs. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO.:__________________________________ ________________________________________ Defendant(s). COMPLAINT IN FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER [ ] acting in their own behalf [ ] by their attorney; set below; allege(s) that they are entitled to possession of the following described premises in the County of DeKalb, to wit: (Give complete address including legal description, if necessary) The within named Plaintiff(s), ________________________________________, and that the above-named Defendant(s) unlawfully withheld possession thereof from the Plaintiff(s), and are indebted to the Plaintiff(s) in the sum of $_____________________________ for rent for __________________________________. (Time) Wherefore, Plaintiff(s) pray(s) for judgment against the Defendant(s) for possession of said described premises and for the sum set forth above plus cost of this suit; and, the Summons issued pursuant to statute returnable _____________________________ at _______________ .M. AFFIDAVIT ____________________________________, on oath, states that the allegations in the above complaint are true in substance and in fact. Dated ______________________ __________________________________________ Plaintiff(s) By________________________________________ Attorney(s) __________________________________________ Plaintiff(s) Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me on this _________ day of ____________________, _______. __________________________________________ Notary Public Name: ___________________________________ Attorney No.: ___________________________________ Attorney for: ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________ (Original � Circuit Clerk; Yellow � Plaintiff; Pink � Defendant) Complaint in Forcible Entry & Detainer\CI000007.CIV Rev.: 11/8/2012 American LegalNet, Inc.