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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE TWENTY-THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DEKALB COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF __________________________________ Case No.__________________________________ ORDER APPROVING [ ] FINAL REPORT AND ACCOUNT [ ] REPORT OF DISTRIBUTION [ ] FINAL REPORT OF INDEPENDENT REPRESENTATIVE Now, on this day comes the within named representative of this estate by his attorney and presents to the Court the within named documents as such representative of the estate, and asks to have the same approved, and the estate declared fully settled and closed, and said representative asks to be discharged; And it appearing that notice has been waived or given according to law and that no objection to the approval of the within named documents is pending; And it further appearing to the Court that all Court costs have been paid, all claims filed have been allowed, paid or dismissed, that reasonable care was used to determine the creditors of the decedent and all known creditors have been given notice as required under Section 18-3, and that all Illinois and Federal Estate taxes which may be due, have been paid; And it further appearing to the Court that the Notice of Probate, if applicable, has been filed as required by statute. And the said documents coming on to be heard, and the Court having examined the same and being fully advised in the premises, finds that the matters and things therein stated are true, and that all things requisite and necessary in and about the proper administration of said estate have been duly and regularly done and performed according to law; IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, adjudged and decreed by the Court that said documents named herein are hereby approved; that said representative is discharged and his bond is released and the said estate declared fully settled and closed subject to any provisions stated herein. ENTER this _____ day of _________________, 20 ___ _____________________________________________ Judge TYPE OF ESTATE: [ ] A deceased person [ ] A disabled person [ ] A minor -----------------------------------------------------------NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE AND OFFICE: Name: [ ] Administrator [ ] Executor [ ] Guardian [ ] Other -----------------------------------------------------------ATTORNEY: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: -----------------------------------------------------------DOCUMENTS PRESENTED: [ ] Final Report and Account [ ] Report of Distribution [ ] Final Report of Independent Representative -----------------------------------------------------------ESTATE CLOSED SUBJECT TO: [ ] Approval of the report of Distribution [ ] Other: Probate32\Order Approving Rev.: 11/16/2012 American LegalNet, Inc.