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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE TWENTY-THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT DEKALB COUNTY, ILLINOIS _______________________________________________ Plaintiff(s), ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO.:________________________________________ Judgment Amount Plus Costs: $___________________ vs. _______________________________________________ Defendant(s). File Stamp Here ORDER FOR BODY ATTACHMENT TO ALL PEACE OFFICERS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS Judge: Deputy Clerk: Court Reporter: Copy Sent to: PL Atty.: DF Atty.: Defendant: Address: City/State/Zip: D.O.B.: ___________ S.S.N.: _____________________ THIS MATTER having come before the Court, upon the motion of Plaintiff for the issuance of a writ of attachment for the Defendant herein on the charge of contempt of this Court, and upon consideration of said motion, the Court finds: That this Court has jurisdiction of the parties hereto and the subject matter hereof; that the Defendant hereinafter named, failed to appear before this Court as commanded by a Citation to Discover Assets duly served upon said Defendant, that thereafter, an Order was entered herein directing said Defendant to appear before this Court at the time specified therein to show cause why said failure to respond to said citation, and that said Order for Rule to Show Cause was also duly served upon said Defendant as appears from said Order and the return of the Sheriff of ______________________ County, Illinois, duly made thereon and filed herein, and that said Defendant has failed, neglected, and refused to comply with said Order, or to show any just cause for failure to do so. NOW THEREFORE: Defendant's Physical Description: Race: Eyes: Sex: Ht.: Hair: Wt.: Physical marks or scars: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that you attach the Defendant, _________________________________, so as to have the body of said Defendant before this Court, forthwith, but no later than ______________________, at the hour of ________________ .M. At which time this writ of attachment is returnable before this Court. When brought before this Court, the Defendant shall then and there answer to the charge of contempt of this court for failure to comply with, and obey, the aforesaid orders of this Court. Bond on this Writ is hereby set at $_____________________ no 10% to apply. Attorney: Attorney No.: Dated: Enter: Judge (White - Circuit Clerk; Yellow - Atty. for PL; Pink - Atty. for DF.) Order for Body Attachment to all Peace Officers\CR000006.CRI REV.: 11/26/2012 American LegalNet, Inc.