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2327 (Rev. 09/05) AFFIDAVIT AS TO MILITARY SERVICEUNITED STATESOF AMERICA STATEOF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF DU PAGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUITPLAINTIFFCASE NUMBERVS.DEFENDANTFile Stamp HereAFFIDAVITAS TO MILITARYSERVICEon oath states:(Affiant's Name and Address)With respect to defendant(Defendant's Name and Address)the Defendant is the Defendant is not I am unable to determine whether the Defendant isin the military service of the United States of America.This affidavit is based on these facts:Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the above signed certifies that the statements set forth in this instrument are true and correct, except as to matters therein stated to be on information and belief and as to such matters the above signed certifies as aforesaid that he verily believes the same to be true. .PRO SEName: DuPage Attorney Number:Attorney for:Address:City/State/Zip:Telephone:CHRIS KACHIROUBAS, CLERK OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT ©WHEATON, ILLINOIS 60189-0707 American LegalNet, Inc.