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CITATION TO DISCOVER ASSETS - PROBATE 3843 (New 12/04) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF DU PAGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ESTATE OF CASE NUMBER DECEDENT DISABLED PERSON MINORS ESTATE File Stamp Here CITATION TO DISCOVER ASSETS (TO BE USED IN DECEDENTS ESTATES, DISABLED ESTATES, MINORS ESTATES) TO (Name of Respondent): (Address of Respondent): YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear before the Honorable Judge , or any Judge sitting in his/her stead on , , at M., in Courtroom ________ of the DuPage County Judicial Center, 505 N. County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois, to be examined under oath concerning the property, income and assets of YOU ARE COMMANDED to produce at the examination (bring with you) the following: YOUR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS CITATION MAY SUBJECT YOU TO PUNISHMENT FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT AND TO SUCH ORDERS AND JUDGMENTS AS THE CASE REQUIRES. TO THE PROCESS SERVER OR OFFICER This Citation must be served not less than ten (10) days before the day of the appearance. It must be returned by the Officer or other person to whom it was given for service, with endorsement of service and fees, if any, not later than five (5) days after service. Name: WITNESS: CHRIS KACHIROUBAS, Clerk of the DuPage Attorney No: Eighteenth JudicialCircuit Court, and the seal thereof, at Wheaton, Illinois. Attorney For: Address: Date: City/State/Zip: Telephone: Clerk of the Eighteenth Circuit Court CHRIS KACHIROUBAS, CLERK OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT WHEATON, ILLINOIS 60189-0707