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PETITION FOR GUARDIANSHIP - MINOR STATE OF ILLINOIS 3834 (Rev 1/17) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COUNTY OF DU PAGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN RE THE ESTATE OF CASE NUMBER A MINOR PETITION FOR GUARDIANSHIP OF A MINOR File Stamp Here ,on oath states: 1. Each of the following named person(s) is a minor: 2. Name - Date of Birth - Residence Address - County (list on additional sheet) No Order of Court has been entered in any jurisdiction concerning the Guardianship of the Minor. An Order of Court has been entered concerning the Guardianship of the Minor. Case number filed in Case Title and a copy of the Order awarding Guardianship is attached hereto. (attach copy of document) The following person(s) have been designated: 3. The person having custody of the minor is whose address is 4. The names and addresses of the nearest adult relatives of the minor(s): Name - Relationship - Address (list on additional sheet) 5. Approximate value of the minor's personal estate $ . Amount of the minor's anticipated gross annual income and other receipts $ 6. It is necessary or convenient that a guardian of the person appointed because 7. Petitioner asks that: (a) qualified and willing to act, appointed as guardian of the (b) qualified and willing to act, appointed as guardian of the person of the minor Petitioner Signature Name: DuPage Attorney Number: Attorney for: Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone Number: Email: Signed and sworn to before me Date Circuit Clerk or Notary Public CHRIS KACHIROUBAS, CLERK OF THE 18th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT � WHEATON, ILLINOIS 60187-0707 American LegalNet, Inc. estate . estate and person of the minor be age of the minor. age Address Pro Se City, State, Zip