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3798 (Rev. /18)SUMMONS FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FOR DISABLED PERSONCHRIS KACHIROUBAS, CLERK OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT251 WHEATON, ILLINOIS 60187-0707 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF DU PAGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT SUMMONS FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FOR DISABLED PERSONFile Stamp HereIN RE THE ESTATE OFALLEGED DISABLED PERSONTO:YOU ARE SUMMONED AND COMMANDED to appear at a hearing on a petition to adjudge you a disabled person and to have a guardian appointed to make decisions for you regarding yourself or your property or both.Date & Time of Hearing:Place of Hearing:Name of Assigned Judge:M.CourtroomDuPage County Judicial Center 505 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, IllinoisHon.Phone: 630-407-NOTICE OF RIGHTS OF RESPONDENT PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SUMMONS IS INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE PART OF THIS SUMMONS WITNESS: CHRIS KACHIROUBAS, Clerk of theEighteenth Judicial Circuit and the seal thereof at Wheaton,Illinois Clerk of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit CourtDated: CASE NUMBERName: DuPage Attorney Number: Attorney for: Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone Number: Pro SeEmail: IF YOU NEED LEGAL ADVICE CONCERNING YOUR LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY AS A RESULT OF THIS SUMMONS BEING SERVED UPON YOU, AND YOU DON'T KNOW A LAWYER, YOU MAY CALL THE DU PAGE BAR ASSOCIATION LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE AT (630) 653-9109.To the Officer:This summons must be served on the alleged disabled person personally and not later than 14 days before the date of appearance. The summons must be returned by the officer or other person to whom it was given for service with endorsement of service and fees, if any, not later than 2 days after service. If service cannot be made on the alleged disabled person personally, this summons must be returned so endorsed. This summons may not be served later than 30 days after the date of issuance by the Clerk.E-filing is now mandatory for documents in civil cases with limited exemptions. To e-file, you must first create an accountwith an e-filing service provider. Visit to learn more and to select aservice provider. If you need additional help or have trouble e-filing, visit American LegalNet, Inc. 3798 (Rev. /18)SUMMONS FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN FOR DISABLED PERSONCHRIS KACHIROUBAS, CLERK OF THE 18TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT251 WHEATON, ILLINOIS 60187-0707 NOTICE OF RIGHTS OF RESPONDENTYou have been named as a respondent in a guardianship petition asking that you be declared a disabled person. If the court grants the petition a guardian will be appointed for you. A copy of the guardianship petition is attached to this summons.If a guardian is appointed for you, the guardian may be given the right to make all important personal decisions for you, such as where you may live, what medical treatment you may receive, what places you visit and who may visit you. A guardian may also be given the right to control and manage your money and other property, including your home, if you own one. You may lose the right to make those decisions for yourself.YOU HAVE THE FOLLOWING LEGAL RIGHTS:1)You have the right to be present at the Court hearing.2)You have the right be represented by a lawyer, either one that you retain,or one appointed by the judge.3)You have the right to ask for a jury of six persons to hear your case.4)You have the right to present evidence to the court and to confront andcross-examine witnesses.5)You have the right to ask the judge to appoint an independent expert toexamine you and give you an opinion about your need for a guardian.6)You have the right to ask the court hearing be closed to the public.7)You have the right to tell the court whom you prefer to have for yourguardian.You do not have to attend the court hearing if you do not want to be there. If you do not attend, the Judge may appoint a guardian if the judge finds that a guardian would be of benefit to you. The hearing will not be postponed or canceled if you do not attend.IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THE HEARING IF YOU DO NOT WANT A GUARDIAN OR IF YOU WANT SOMEONE OTHER THAN THE PERSON NAMED IN THE GUARDIANSHIP PETITION TO BE YOUR GUARDIAN. IF YOU DO NOT WANT A GUARDIAN OR IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER PROBLEMS, YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY OR COME TO THE COURT AND TELL THE JUDGE. American LegalNet, Inc.