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Mediation Confidentiality Agreement Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Fulton Local County.
Tags: Mediation Confidentiality Agreement, Illinois Local County, Fulton
(Circuit Court Rule Part 6.35)
IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between the mediator and each mediation participant identified
below that all matters discussed during any and all mediation sessions shall be confidential, may not be
admissible in any court proceeding, nor shall not be disclosed by the participants or the mediator in any
court proceeding or any court of law, except as follows:
A. If all parties consent in writing to the disclosure; or
B. The communication reveals either an act of violence committed against another during
mediation, or an intent to commit an act that may result in bodily harm to another; or
C. The communication reveals evidence of abuse or neglect of a child; or
D. Non-identifying information may be made available for research or evaluation purposes
approved by the court; or
E. The communication is probative evidence in a pending action alleging negligence or
willful misconduct of the mediator.
F. The parties may disclose communications occurring during mediation to his or her
attorney or counselor who shall maintain confidentiality.
(The next paragraph is only applicable if the mediator is an attorney):
The parties to mediation acknowledge that Attorney ____________________________________
of the law firm of __________________________________________________ acting as mediator,
is not acting as attorney for either party, and is not providing legal advice or services to either party.
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Mediating Participant
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Mediating Participant
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Mediation Confidentiality Agreement
Rev 12-16-2010
American LegalNet, Inc.