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Statistical Information Sheet For Court Ordered Mediation Program Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Fulton Local County.
Tags: Statistical Information Sheet For Court Ordered Mediation Program, Illinois Local County, Fulton
(Circuit Court Rule Part 6.40.H.2)
To each Mediator participating in the Ninth Judicial Circuit Mediation Program:
As required by Circuit Court Rule, please fill out this form upon the completion or termination of each mediation
case that you conduct. This information is necessary to evaluate this mediation program. Your cooperation is
greatly appreciated.
Please mail or fax this completed form to:
Office of the Chief Judge
130 South Lafayette, Suite 30
Macomb, Illinois 61455
Phone 309-837-9278
Fax 309-833-3547
1. COUNTY FROM WHICH CASE WAS REFERRED: Case No. ______________________
[ ] Fulton [ ] Hancock [ ] Henderson [ ] Knox [ ] McDonough [ ] Warren
2. Referral source:
[ ] Court Order [ ] Attorney
[ ] Self-Referred [ ] Other
3. Issue(s) mediated:
[ ] Initial Custody
[ ] Modification of custody
[ ] Visitation schedule
[ ] Visitation abuse issues pursuant to 750 ILCS 5/607.1
[ ] Removal from state
[ ] Joint custody pursuant to 750 ILCS 5/602.1
[ ] Other non-economic issues relating to the children (specify): _______________________________
[ ] Economic issues involving the parties (specify): _________________________________________
4. Parties involved in mediation: [ ] Father
[ ] Mother
[ ] Grandparents
Other Relatives [ ] Other Adults
5. Did children participate in mediation sessions?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
How many sessions:
When (i.e. first session, last session): ________________________
6. Did the mediation result in an agreement by both parties?
[ ] YES: [ ] Verbal [ ] Written [ ] Signed [ ] Unsigned
[ ] NO: If no agreement was reached, was mediation terminated by:
[ ] Mediator [ ] Wife [ ] Husband [ ] Both parties [ ] No Show
7. Did mediation result in the case being: [ ] Fully Settled [ ] Partially Settled [ ] Not Settled
8. Which parties negotiated in good faith: [ ] Both [ ] One [ ] None
9. Total number of sessions in mediation:
Date of initial mediation session:___________________ Date of final session:_________________
10. Total number of hours in mediation: ________________
Date of initial mediation session:
Date of final session: _________________
11. Total cost of mediation: $
[ ] Regular fee [ ] Reduced fee [ ] Pro bono
Have you been paid in full as of date of this report? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Mediator Name: ________________________________
Please print or type:
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Form 660 Statistical Information Sheet B Mediation
Fax: ________________________________
Rev. 12-09
American LegalNet, Inc.