Subpoena For Deposition
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Subpoena For Deposition Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Fulton Local County.
Tags: Subpoena For Deposition, Illinois Local County, Fulton
STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 9TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FULTON COUNTY ___________________________________________ VS ___________________________________________ Case Number ________________________ SUBPOENA FOR DEPOSITION To: YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear to give your deposition before a notary public in room ___________ at __________________________________________________________________________, (Insert Name of Building, Address, including City) Illinois, on ________________________________________, 20____, at, _____________, ___M. YOU ARE COMMANDED ALSO to bring the following: in your possession or control. YOUR FAILURE TO APPEAR IN RESPONSE TO THIS SUBPOENA WILL SUBJECT YOU TO PUNISHMENT FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT. WITNESS, ______________________________, _______ (Seal of court) ________________________________________________ (Clerk of the Circuit Court) by______________________________________________ (Deputy) I served this subpoena by handing a copy to on , 20___. I paid the witness $ __________ for witness and mileage fees. Signed and sworn to before me _________________________________, 20_______. (Notary Public) (Plaintiff's attorney or plaintiff if he is not represented by an attorney) Name Attorney for Address City Telephone American LegalNet, Inc.