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Application For Assessment As Model Home Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Kane Local County.
Tags: Application For Assessment As Model Home, Illinois Local County, Kane
Application for Assessment
As a Model Home
719 South Batavia Avenue, Building C
Geneva, Illinois 60134-3000
(630) 208-3818
Section 1: Instructions
A. Property eligibility. You should complete this form to request an alternate assessment if your property is used for model home
purposes. The property must be a single-family residence, townhome, or condominium, used solely as a model home for prospective buyers, and not occupied as a dwelling. The model home may contain home furnishings, appliances, offices, and office
equipment to further sales activities. No more than 3 model homes can be located at the same time within a 3-mile radius, the
center of each radius is the model home that has been used for the longest period of time. No model home can be used for
model home purposes longer than 10 years.
B. Annual Application Required. You must annually file this form with the county assessment office on or before December 31
of the year that the alternate assessment is requested. Failure to file in a timely manner will result in waiver of the model home
assessment for that year.
B. Taxpayer responsible for notification if property no longer used as a model home. When any portion of this property no
longer qualifies as a model home, you must notify the County Assessment Office in writing within 60 days.
Section 2: Property Identification (please print)
Owner/Taxpayer Name(s):
Parcel No.
Mailing Address:
Property Address:
Mailing City, State, ZIP:
Property City, State, ZIP:
Daytime Telephone:
For what year are you requesting
assessment as a mode home?
Have you applied for model home assessment on any other property in Illinois for the tax year in question? (check all that apply)
This property has been
continuously used as a mode home since
No, this is the only one.
Yes, I have applied on other properties in Kane County.
Yes, I have applied on other properties in the following counties:
This property is a
Detached Single-Family Dwelling
Townhouse or Duplex Unit
Condominium Unit
Section 3: Oath Under penalties of perjury, I state that, to the best of my knowledge, the information on this form is true, correct,
and complete.
Print Name
Subscribed and
sworn to before me this
day of
, 20
Notary Public
Notary Seal
Official use. Do not write in this space.
Reason for denial_____________________________________________________ By____________________________________
Revised 10-2010
American LegalNet, Inc.