Criminal Subpoena
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Criminal Subpoena Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Kane Local County.
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Tags: Criminal Subpoena, SUP-05, Illinois Local County, Kane
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS Case No. Plaintiff(s) SERVE THIS DEFENDANT AT: Name: Address: City, State & Zip: Defendant(s) File Stamp CRIMINAL SUBPOENA YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND COMMANDED TO APPEAR before a Judge of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Court Kane County, at the: on at m. in room to testify in the above captioned case now pending in the said Circuit Court, Judge . You are also requested to bring with you those items or documents listed below or on attached page(s). YOUR FAILURE TO COMPY WITH THIS SUBPOENA MAY SUBJECT YOU TO PUNISHMENT FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT AND A WARRANT OR BODY WRIT MAY BE ISSUED FOR YOUR ARREST. Issued at the request of Assistant States Attorney NOTICE TO WITNESS Name: Attorney for: Atty Registration No.: Address: City: Phone: Witness (date) Do not call the Clerk of the Circuit Court for information relating to the subpoena Thomas M. Hartwell, Clerk of the Circuit Court (SEAL) American LegalNet, Inc. SUP-05 (11/12) I served this subpoena by delivering a copy certified mail registered mail to on and I paid the witness for witness and mileage fees. Subscribed and Sworn to before me Signature of person making service Notary Public/Clerk of Court AFTER SERVICE, THE ORIGINAL (WHITE) MUST BE FILED WITH THE CIRCUIT COURT CLERK, ALONG WITH THE ENDORSEMENT OF SERVICE. SUPBK (11/12) American LegalNet, Inc.