Authorization To Place Legal Publication
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Authorization To Place Legal Publication Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Kane Local County.
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Tags: Authorization To Place Legal Publication, P2-MISC-002, Illinois Local County, Kane
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS Case No. Plaintiff/Petitioner Defendant/Respondent File Stamp AUTHORIZATION TO PLACE LEGAL PUBLICATION (OAPUB) Date: To: Circuit Clerk of Kane County Re: Please publish the attached Notice at least once a week for 3 successive weeks in the newspaper of general circulation published in Kane County at the address and city set forth herein, at a rate to be determined by the newspaper. Newspaper: Address: City and State: The first Notice shall be published on Please ask them to send their statement directly to me at: Name: Address: City, State and Zip: Phone: The Circuit Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to place said Publication instanter. Signed: Attorney To the Newspaper: Because of certain statutory requirements, we require that within five (5) days of the first publication, you send at least two (2) copies of the "tear" sheet to our office. Also within five (5) days after the last date of publication, send the Publisher's Certificate of Publication to our office. [identify copy] American LegalNet, Inc. . P2-MISC-002 (02/13)