Notice To Defendant For Eviction Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Notice To Defendant In Forcible Entry And Detainer Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Kane Local County.
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Tags: Notice To Defendant In Forcible Entry And Detainer, P2-LM-001, Illinois Local County, Kane
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT KANE COUNTY, ILLINOISNOTICE TO DEFENDANTFOR EVICTIONP2-LM-001 (09/18) DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES:INSTRUCTIONS TO SHERIFF Complete and file with the Clerk of the Circuit Court onor before the day set for appearance. Post three copies ofthis notice at least 10 days prior to the appearance date. File Stamp Defendant/Respondent Plaintiff/PetitionerCase No. Address:City,State & Zip: AMOUNT OF JUDGMENT: AMOUNT OF COSTS: ATTORNEY FEES:The Plaintiff alleges that the herein described premises arebeing unlawfully withheld and possessed by above namedDefendant, to wit; Delinquent Rent, Other:Wherefore, the Plaintiff prays that Judgment be entered infavor of the Plaintiff for the possession of the premises and theamount indicated, together with costs and attorney fees asdescribed herein.THEREFORE, YOU ARE SUMMONED to appear at theplace and time set forth herein to answer the complaint in thiscase. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR, JUDGMENT MAY BEENTERED BY DEFAULT AND EXECUTION MAY BEISSUED.Date: Clerk of the Circuit Court/Deputy Appearance Date: Time: Location: Judge: Room No.: American LegalNet, Inc.