Certification Of Corporate Surety
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Certification Of Corporate Surety Form. This is a Illinois form and can be use in Kane Local County.
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Tags: Certification Of Corporate Surety, P1-PR-014, Illinois Local County, Kane
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS Case No. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF (DECEDENT): Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Date and Place of Death: File Stamp CERTIFICATION OF CORPORATE SURETY The undersigned does hereby certify: 1. That it is a corporation or association licensed to transact surety business in the State of Illinois. 2. That the current certified copy of its authority to transact business in the State of Illinois, as issued by the Director of Insurance, is on file with the Clerk of this Court. 3. That a certified power of attorney of certificates of authority for all persons authorized to execute bonds on its behalf is attached to the bond filed in this case. Dated: . Surety: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone No.: P1-PR-014 (11/08) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com