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Summons - Adoption 7/2018 UNITED STATES OF AMERICASTATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF LASALLEIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 13TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Petitioner(s) vs No. Defendant(s)ADOPTION SUMMONSTO: You are hereby summoned and required to ! le an answer in this case, or otherwise ! le your appearance, in the of! ce of the Clerk of this Court within 30 days after service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to do so, a judgment or decree by default may be taken against you for the relief prayed in the petition.This summons must be returned by the of! cer or other person to whom it was given for service, with endorse-ment thereon of service and fees, if any, immediately after service. If service cannot be made, this summons shall be returned so endorsed.You, as the parent of the minor children who are subject to this adoption petition have the following rights:1. The right to be present.2. The right to be heard.3. The right to present evidence material to the proceedings.If you are ! nancially unable to employ counsel, you may request that the court appoint an attorney to represent you in the proceedings. If the court determines that you are indigent, the court shall appoint the public defender or such other counsel as the case may require.E-! ling is now mandatory for documents in civil cases with limited exemptions. To e-! le, you must ! rst create an account with an e-! ling service provider. Visit http://e! to learn more and to select a service provider. If you need additional help or have trouble e-! ling, visit or talk with your local Circuit Clerk's of! ce.This summons may not be served later than 30 days after its date.WITNESS: , the Clerk of said Court, and the Seal thereof at Ottawa, Illinois, this day of , 20. Clerk of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit CourtPetitioner's Attorney , 20Address Date of Service (To be inserted by of! cer on copy left with defendant or other person)Telephone LASALLE COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERKOTTAWA, ILLINOIS 613504. The right to cross-examine witnesses.5. The right to examine pertinent court ! les and records.6. The right to be represented by counsel. American LegalNet, Inc. I have duly served the within by leaving a copy thereof, together with a copy of the petition led in this cause, with each of the within-named personally, as I am therein commanded,this day of , 20. Sheriff DeputyI have duly served the within upon the within-named by leaving a copy thereof, together with a copy of the petition ledin this cause, at usual place of abode with a person of the family or a person residing there, of the age of 13 years or upwards, and informing that person of the contents thereof, this day of, 20 as I am therein commanded. Sheriff DeputyI , Sheriff of said County, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certi-fy that on the day of , 20 at in the County and State aforesaid, I sent by United States mail a copy of this summons, together with a copy of the petition led in this cause, in a sealed envelope, with postage fully prepaid, addressed toat the same being usual place of abode. Sheriff Deputy SHERIFF'S FEES Service..................................... $ Copy........................................ $ Mileage.................................... $ Return...................................... $ American LegalNet, Inc.